Streamer Cot Gaming

Cot Gaming

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1990 (34 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1990: 66,02 millions

Global rank: #306


Email: updating

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Streamer Cot Gaming profile

Who is Streamer Cot Gaming?
Cot Gaming also known as Kieu Van Kieu, he is a dynamic and multi-talented young streamer. Currently, Cot Gaming is playing the game Snake - Wormate. io and he regularly livestream on the Facebook Gaming platform.
Ever since he was in school, Cot Gaming has loved playing games. He has tried many types of games and perhaps his favorite game to date and has been with the longest is the Snake game. However, in the past, Cot Gaming only played games for mental entertainment after stressful days of study and work, and his main job was still to focus on studying to achieve high results, choosing a a certain field to study and graduate from school to work like many other friends of the same age. However, after graduating from high school and passing the entrance exam to the University of Economics - Hanoi National University, Cot Gaming also spent more time playing games. And then there were a lot of famous gamers, as well as the growth of the streamer business that attracted him.
Cò Gaming used to think that he was passionate about gaming and he also wanted to dedicate himself. into the development of this e-sport. And he chose to become a streamer. Although the road to becoming a streamer has many difficulties and challenges, with determination and best efforts, Cot Gaming has also achieved more or less successes.
Up to now, the page Cot Gaming's personal fanpage has attracted nearly 60 thousand followers - an extremely impressive number. Each game livestream of Cot Gaming always attracts thousands of views and gives him a very stable interaction. Because of that, Cot Gaming has received significant additional income from the work he pursues so that he can continue to strive on the path he has chosen.
Share a little more about the projects. In the future, Cot Gaming said that he will still do his best to pursue the arduous, challenging and promising streamer path. Cot Gaming wishes to receive more and more attention and support from everyone.
I wish Cot Gaming will always be healthy, happy and successful on the path that he has chosen!

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Streamer Cot Gaming?

Body measurements of

How tall is Streamer Cot Gaming? What Cot Gaming's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Cot Gaming profile

When was Streamer Cot Gaming born?
Cot Gaming birthday ?-?-1990 (at the age of 34).
Where is Streamer Cot Gaming's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Cot Gaming was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Cot Gaming's global rank is 306 and whose rank is 15 in list of famous Streamer. Population of Vietnam in 1990 is about 66,02 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Picture of the handsome and elegant Gaming Cot
Picture of the handsome and elegant Gaming Cot
 the handsome and stylish Gaming Cot
the handsome and stylish Gaming Cot
 the competition between the Gaming pole and the UK at the top of the box
the competition between the Gaming pole and the UK at the top of the box

Cot Gaming ranking


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Events in 1990 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Cot Gaming

  • General Manuel Noriega surrenders in Panama (Jan. 3).
  • Yugoslav Communists end 45-year monopoly of power (Jan. 22).
  • Communist Party relinquish sole power in Soviet government (Feb. 7). Background: Dissolution of the USSR
  • South Africa frees Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27½ years (Feb. 11).
  • US-Soviet summit reaches accord on armaments (June 1).
  • Western Alliance ends Cold War and proposes joint action with Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (July 6).
  • Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.). Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • East and West Germany reunited (Aug. 31 et seq.).
  • Margaret Thatcher resigns as British Prime Minister (Nov. 22); John Major succeeds her (Nov. 28).
  • Lech Walesa wins Poland's runoff Presidential election (Dec. 9).
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Note about Streamer Cot Gaming

Cot Gaming infomation and profile updated by