Streamer Ohsusu

Image of Ohsusu #


Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 16-10-1993 (31 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1993: 69,64 millions

Global rank: #3515


Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Streamer Ohsusu profile

Who is Streamer Ohsusu?
Ohsusu (real name Ngo Quy) beautiful, personality and hot female streamer. Ohsusu is currently storming on stream channels and facebook. She is a member of "The Queen Team" which gathers beautiful Vietnamese female gamers and regularly streams daily to interact with gamers from all over the country. The goal in 2018, Ohsusu wants to achieve the Youtube golden button (currently her channel has more than 710,000 subscribers).
Ohsusu creates sympathy and interest of the Vietnamese eSport community thanks to her beautiful appearance. , personality, witty way of talking and always know how to interact with fans. Round 1 is quite full, so some gamers call Ohsusu with the nickname "3-headed girl". With a cold face full of personality and a quite serious but no less humorous way of talking, Ohsusu's stream is welcomed by everyone every time frame. In addition to being a beloved streamer, Ohsusu has also achieved certain achievements in the League of Legends community and most recently, Lien Quan Mobile won second place "Female competition" with the seniors in "The Queen Team". .
Every day, Ohsusu usually streams games for 3 hours. After that, she recorded a video and came up with ideas for a Youtube channel. Although the work is quite busy, Ohsusu himself feels very happy to be able to do what he is passionate about.
In addition to playing games, Ohsusu works hard at the gym to stay in shape. The beauty goes to the gym at least 4 times a week.

Young / Before famous

Playing games in Vietnam is something very bad in the eyes of parents. Ohsusu used to have her computer confiscated by her parents when she caught her daughter playing games in her room. This broke Ohsusu's heart. Fortunately, Ohsusu is currently a member of the first female team in Vietnam to have a Gaming house - a place to live and work together. Ohsusu feels very comfortable in this dynamic and friendly environment. The members treat each other like a family.
Ohsusu gives advice to young people who want to follow the streamer: "If you have a hobby and passion for streamer, then just do your best. The reason must be very firm and most importantly, be more persistent than others."

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Streamer Ohsusu?

Body measurements of

How tall is Streamer Ohsusu? What Ohsusu's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Ohsusu profile

When was Streamer Ohsusu born?
Ohsusu birthday 16-10-1993 (at the age of 31).
Where is Streamer Ohsusu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ohsusu was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Ohsusu's global rank is 3515 and whose rank is 155 in list of famous Streamer. Population of Vietnam in 1993 is about 69,64 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Ohsusu streamer personality and professionalism
Ohsusu streamer personality and professionalism
Hot body of streamer Ohsusu
Hot body of streamer Ohsusu
Streamer Ohsusu is known as the 3-headed girl
Streamer Ohsusu is known as the 3-headed girl

Ohsusu ranking


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Events in 1993 and 16-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Ohsusu

  • Vaclav Havel elected Czech President (Jan. 26).
  • British House of Commons approves European unity pact (May 20). Maastricht Treaty takes effect, creating European Union (Nov. 1).
  • Twenty-two UN troops killed in Somalia (June 5).
  • Israeli-Palestinian accord reached (Aug. 28).
  • Yeltsin's forces crush revolt in Russian Parliament (Oct. 4 et seq.).
  • China breaks nuclear test moratorium (Oct. 5).
  • South Africa adopts majority rule constitution (Nov. 18).

Birthday Ohsusu (16-10) in history

  • Day 16-10 year 1793: French Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded for treason.
  • Day 16-10 year 1859: Abolitionist John Brown and his men captured the U.S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry.
  • Day 16-10 year 1916: Margaret Sanger opened the first birth-control clinic in New York City.
  • Day 16-10 year 1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis began.
  • Day 16-10 year 1964: China detonated its first atomic bomb.
  • Day 16-10 year 1978: John Paul II was elected pope.
  • Day 16-10 year 1995: Hundreds of thousands of black men gathered in Washington for the "Million Man March" led by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
  • Day 16-10 year 2001: Twelve Senate offices were closed when a letter to Sen. Tom Daschle was found to contain anthrax.
  • Day 16-10 year 2002: The White House announced that North Korea had disclosed the existence of a secret nuclear weapons program.
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Note about Streamer Ohsusu

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