Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories

16 Memories

Working place: Hai Phong

Founding day: 24-1-2021 (3 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2021: 98,51tr

Global rank: #2944

Facebook: facebook.com/16memoriesss

Email: 16memories.official@gmail.com

Phone number: updating

Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories profile

Who is Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories?
16 Memories is a famous TikTok channel with humane videos about the lives of poor workers and people making a living on the streets. The main characters in the videos are manual workers such as: a motorbike taxi driver whose child has a congenital heart disease, a bricklayer who always has a smile on his face, a happy little family of a cleaning lady... . All those very simple, very life moments were recorded under the lens of Tien Huy (born in 2000) and Huy Anh (born 1999). The two young people actively took photos, printed them to give to the characters and confided in them. Through videos on channel 16 Memories, audiences have a more multi-dimensional view of life, understanding the hardships of many people and many different professions.
It can be said that 16 Memories helps people appreciate more beautiful moments in life and even the work of workers. On January 24, 2021, the group uploaded their first video to TikTok. Bringing great value from small actions, TikTok channel @16. memories quickly reached more than 1.6 million followers, more than 38 million likes and thousands of comments from the online community.
It's not natural that the channel chose its characters to be workers. Tien Huy and Huy Anh believe that workers do quiet jobs that receive little attention, so taking and giving photos helps them feel happier. The channel contributes to spreading love from simple things, helping people appreciate more the beautiful moments of life and the work of manual workers.
Tien Huy and Huy Anh used Using the video sharing platform is a place to spread good values ​​to the community, spreading love and kindness. Fresh and humane content is what creates the unique appeal of 16 Memories. When starting to carry out a meaningful project about workers in their homeland, two members of the group chose to buy an old handheld printer to conveniently take and give photos to everyone.

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Body measurements of members

How tall is Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories? What 16 Memories's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of 16 Memories profile

When was Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories born?
16 Memories founding day 24-1-2021 (at the age of 3).
Where is Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
16 Memories was born in Hai Phong, of Vietnam. Là Tiktok Chanel, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. 16 Memories's global rank is 2944 and whose rank is 26 in list of famous Tiktok Chanel. Population of Vietnam in 2021 is about 98,51tr persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of two boys creating TikTok channel 16 Memories

Tien Huy - 1 of the two founding members of TikTok channel 16 Memories

TikTok channel 16 Memories records the everyday moments of workers

16 Memories ranking


16 Memories 06/06/24 20:11
Kênh TikTok 16 Memories gồm có 2 thành viên là Tiến Huy, Huy Anh.

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Events in 2021 and 24-1

Founding day 16 Memories (24-1) in history

  • Day 24-1 year 41: Gaius Caesar, the Roman emperor, nicknamed Caligula (meaning The Little Shoe - because he used to wear military boots as a child), was murdered.
  • Day 24-1 year 1848: Gold was first discovered in California, in Sutter's mill. When President Polk announced the news in December, the gold rush began.
  • Day 24-1 year 1908: Robert Baden-Powell organized the first Boy Scout troop in England.
  • Day 24-1 year 1943: The Casablanca Conference with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill concluded.
  • Day 24-1 year 1965: Winston Churchill died in London at age 90.
  • Day 24-1 year 1972: Japanese soldier Shoichi Yokoi was discovered in Guam, having spent 28 years hiding in the jungle thinking World War II was still going on.
  • Day 24-1 year 1986: Voyager Two space probe passes within 51,000 miles of Uranus.
  • Day 24-1 year 1993: The first African-American to sit on the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall, died.
  • Day 24-1 year 2003: The Department of Homeland Security, under Tom Ridge, became a cabinet department.
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Note about Tiktok Chanel 16 Memories

16 Memories infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.