Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho

Com Tuoi Tho

Working place: Vietnam

Founding day: ?-?-2021 (3 years old)

Global rank: #251

Facebook: channam0512@gmail.com

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho profile

Who is Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho?
Com Tuoi Tho is a famous Tiktok channel with legendary dishes that suddenly became famous overnight. This Tiktok channel has met the needs of audiences who are earnestly "asking for a ticket back to childhood". This Tiktok channel currently has more than 1.6 million followers and more than 27 million favorites.
The main character in the clips and also the owner of the Tiktok channel Com Tuoi Tho is Tiktoker Nguyen Chan Male. This male Tiktoker was born in 1998, from Go Cong, Tien Giang. On the social network Facebook, Chan Nam also received a lot of attention from netizens. The videos shared on the Tiktok Com Tuoi Tho channel focus on sharing childhood items and games that anyone has probably experienced, at least once like "brick phones". , handheld video games, ice cream, cotton candy, comic book rentals.... It is the authenticity and intimacy that the owner of the Com Tuoi Tho channel infuses into his clips that have helped his channel receive a lot of attention. much love from the audience.
The owner of Tiktok channel Com Tuoi Tho wants to go against the majority. If many Tiktokers constantly follow new trends, he wants to take his audience back to the past. He wanted to create his own color to leave a unique impression on viewers. Regarding naming the Tiktok channel Com Tuoi Tho, Tiktoker Nguyen Chan Nam shared that he just wanted to give it a familiar and easy-to-remember name without thinking about much meaning. After determining the direction to build the channel, he put all his capital into developing the channel. At that time, he only had an old phone that cost about 3.5 million VND. He ordered a carpenter to make him a shelf, bought props, and decorated the background for about more than 3 million VND. In the last days of 2021, he released his first clip on his Tiktok channel.
Nguyen Chan Nam himself was also surprised that his first clip had trended. After that, he released many viral clips and helped Com Tuoi Tho become a "Brand" with a special impression on the social platform Tiktok. Up to now, Tiktok Com Tuoi Tho channel has attracted millions of followers. To achieve such achievements, Chan Nam had to overcome many difficulties and challenges. In the future, Tiktok Com Tuoi Tho channel will definitely bring the audience many more good and meaningful videos.

Close relationship


Body measurements of members

How tall is Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho? What Com Tuoi Tho's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Com Tuoi Tho profile

When was Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho born?
Com Tuoi Tho founding day ?-?-2021 (at the age of 3).
Where is Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Com Tuoi Tho was born in Vietnam. is a Tiktok Chanel, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Com Tuoi Tho's global rank is 251 and whose rank is 4 in list of famous Tiktok Chanel.
Celebrities born in:

Other famous Tiktok Chanel

Famous people born in ?-?-2021

Note about Tiktok Chanel Com Tuoi Tho

Com Tuoi Tho infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.