Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh

Cha Va Minh

Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: 1-3-2022 (2 years old)

Global rank: #3757

Facebook: facebook.com/travaminhh

Email: travaminh@gmail.com

Phone number: 0969 698 697

Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh profile

Who is Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh?
Cha and Minh is the TikTok channel of the "super cute" couple Vu Thi Tra (hometown Hai Duong) and Do Nhat Minh (hometown Hai Duong) and Do Nhat Minh ( hometown Phu Tho). In their videos, the couple often shares sweet moments in life, trips away and returning home to their lover... Among them, the two most viral content are humorous parody songs of Nhat Minh and the pampering of Nhat Minh's parents for his future daughter-in-law. The couple's close and witty situations received much love from the audience. Currently, the TikTok channel Cha and Minh (@travaminhh) has more than 545,000 followers and more than 21 million likes. Cha and Minh's fanpage has more than 175,000 followers. Most of the videos posted on Cha and Minh's channel receive positive interactions, attracting millions of views.
The beautiful love story of Cha and Minh inspires and helps many people believe in love. Viewers watching the channel are immersed in the couple's romantic love story, from falling in love to proposing, getting married, and preparing to welcome their first child. Cha and Minh also shared many love tips such as: how to resolve disagreements, resolve conflicts verbally - absolutely do not use hands or feet, do not engage in cold war, problems must be resolved on the same day...
In April 2024, Cha and Minh caused a storm on the internet with an interesting clip of the girl giving wedding flowers. The video went viral across the internet with more than 19 million views. At that time, Nhat Minh was eating when Tra held the wedding bouquet she had just caught and ran to give it to her lover. Faced with this unexpected action, the guy had not yet had time to "jump out of gear", his face was surprised, still holding chopsticks in his hand while picking up food. After a few seconds of composure, Nhat Minh began to grin with joy. In July 2024, the couple held a wedding ceremony and prepared for the wedding.
In August 2024, the online community gushed over the couple's beautiful wedding photos. Below Cha and Minh's post, the online community left many comments congratulating the couple: The bride is so beautiful, wish you two happiness; The couple has the appearance of husband and wife, they are such a beautiful couple; Both beautiful and cute together...

Close relationship


Body measurements of members

How tall is Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh? What Cha Va Minh's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Cha Va Minh profile

When was Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh born?
Cha Va Minh founding day 1-3-2022 (at the age of 2).
Where is Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Cha Va Minh was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. is a Tiktok Chanel, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Cha Va Minh's global rank is 3757 and whose rank is 30 in list of famous Tiktok Chanel.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

TikTok channel owners Cha and Minh and the super cute couple
TikTok channel owners Cha and Minh and the super cute couple
Cha and Minh's radiant smiles
Cha and Minh's radiant smiles
Beautiful wedding photos of TikTok channel owners Cha and Minh
Beautiful wedding photos of TikTok channel owners Cha and Minh

Cha Va Minh ranking


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Events in 2022 and 1-3

Founding day Cha Va Minh (1-3) in history

  • Day 1-3 year 1790: The U.S. Congress authorized the first census.
  • Day 1-3 year 1803: Ohio becomes the 17th state to adopt the US constitution.
  • Day 1-3 year 1864: Rebecca Lee was the first black woman awarded a medical degree.
  • Day 1-3 year 1867: Nebraska became the 37th state in the United States.
  • Day 1-3 year 1872: Yellowstone became the world's first National Park.
  • Day 1-3 year 1932: The 20-month-old son of Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped.
  • Day 1-3 year 1961: President John F. Kennedy signed a signed an executive order establishing the Peace Corps.
  • Day 1-3 year 1981: IRA member Bobby Sands began a hunger strike in Maze Prison; he would die 65 days later.
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Other famous Tiktok Chanel

Famous people born in Ha Noi

Note about Tiktok Chanel Cha Va Minh

Cha Va Minh infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.