TV actor Arthur Mullard large #
TV actor

Arthur Mullard

Living place: England

Birthday: 19-9-1910

Global rank: #100621

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TV actor Arthur Mullard profile

Who is TV actor Arthur Mullard?
First gained attention for his roles on the television shows The Arthur Askey Show and Romany Jones. His best known role comes as Wally Briggs, in the latter of two shows.
In 1960, he appeared in two films Two-Way Stretch and And Together for You.

Young / Before famous

At first he wanted to be entertained as a stuntman but he gradually got more air time because of how effective his face was for humorous purposes.

Family life info

He had a daughter named Barbara and a wife named Florence. Barbara claimed he would sexually abuse her and that he was the reason for Florence's suicide.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling TV actor Arthur Mullard?
He appeared in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with Lionel Jeffries.

Body measurements of

How tall is TV actor Arthur Mullard? What Arthur Mullard's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Arthur Mullard profile

When was TV actor Arthur Mullard born?
Arthur Mullard was born in 19-9-1910, death year is , at the age of 114.
Where is TV actor Arthur Mullard's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Arthur Mullard was born in England. Mr, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Arthur Mullard's global rank is 100621 and whose rank is 4525 in list of famous TV actor.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1910 and 19-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Arthur Mullard

  • Union of South Africa established, with its parliamentary capital in Cape Town and administrative capital in Pretoria (May 31).
  • Portuguese monarchy ends. Teofilio Braga is selected as president of new republic.
  • Mexican revolution begins; Francisco Madero publishes his manifesto La sucesión presidencial en 1910.
  • Japan formally annexes Korea.

Birthday Arthur Mullard (19-9) in history

  • Day 19-9 year 1881: President James Garfield died of a gunshot wound inflicted by a disappointed office seeker the previous July 2.
  • Day 19-9 year 1934: Bruno Hauptmann was arrested for the Lindbergh baby kidnap-murder.
  • Day 19-9 year 1955: President Juan Peron of Argentina was deposed and exiled after a military coup.
  • Day 19-9 year 1957: The United States conducted its first underground nuclear test in the Nevada desert.
  • Day 19-9 year 1962: Gov. Ross Barnett blocked James Meredith from enrolling in the University of Mississippi.
  • Day 19-9 year 1985: The Mexico City area was struck by the first of two devastating earthquakes that claimed thousands of lives. The second earthquake hit 36 hours later.
  • Day 19-9 year 1994: U.S. troops entered Haiti to enforce the return of exiled president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
  • Day 19-9 year 2001: The Pentagon ordered combat aircraft to the Persian Gulf following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
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Famous people born in 19-9-1910

Note about TV actor Arthur Mullard

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