TV show Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan

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TV show

Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan

Working place: Seoul

Founding day: 26-6-2020 (5 years old)

Global rank: #90434


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TV show Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan profile

Who is TV show Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan?
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan was first released on June 26, 2020 on Netflix. In just a short time, Twogether has successfully created a viral effect and become one of the best TV shows on this streaming platform.
Twogether is the journey of two guys. boy: actor Lee Seung-gi (person Korea) and actor Liu Di Hao (Taiwanese). The two of them traveled to six cities (Yogyakarta and Bali in Indonesia, Bangkok and Chiang Mai in Thailand, Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal) together, performing the given tasks and meeting and interacting with the audience. The funny situations begin when the two must try to understand each other's language and the language of the indigenous people where they take the challenge.
Twogether is extremely entertaining. audience with humorous dialogue as the actors express what they want to say. Despite having different nationalities and language differences, the two overcame their initial bewilderment and interacted with each other like two close friends.
With that, they had to perform. turn the challenge with a predetermined amount in the given time. Lee Seung-gi and Andy Lau conduct their first mission in Yogyakarta. The two boys were treated to the beautiful natural sight of the "beam of heaven" in Jomblang cave. After that, they learned about the culture and history of the Hindus in the ancient temple of Prambanan and continued to move to the emerald green island of Bali to fish. In the evening, the actors go to yoga practice to relax and prepare for the upcoming journey.
Although it has just recorded and aired season 1 with 8 episodes, Twogether has become a TV show. Reality is loved by everyone. This is also a program suitable for the current social distancing season, where you can experience various and fun activities with your idol indirectly through the small screen. Even at home, we can still travel by following 2 guests to explore many beautiful places in different countries.

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Summary of Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan profile

When was TV show Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan born?
Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan founding day 26-6-2020 (at the age of 5).
Where is TV show Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan was born in Seoul, of South Korean. is a TV show, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan's global rank is 90434 and whose rank is 147 in list of famous TV show.
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Twogether: Idol Meets Fan is released on Netflix
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan is released on Netflix
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan is a best TV show on Netflix platform
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan is a best TV show on Netflix platform
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan starring celebrities
Twogether: Idol Meets Fan starring celebrities
Twogether: God Meet the Fan Statue will bring the audience moments of entertainment
Twogether: God Meet the Fan Statue will bring the audience moments of entertainment

Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan ranking


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Events in 2020 and 26-6

Founding day Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan (26-6) in history

  • Day 26-6 year 1819: The bicycle was patented by W. K. Clarkson.
  • Day 26-6 year 1843: Hong Kong was proclaimed a British crown colony.
  • Day 26-6 year 1906: The first Grand Prix motor race was held in Le Mans, France.
  • Day 26-6 year 1959: The St. Lawrence Seaway, connecting the Great Lakes and the Atlantic, was opened.
  • Day 26-6 year 1963: President John Kennedy gave his, "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) speech in West Berlin.
  • Day 26-6 year 1976: The CN tower in Toronto opened, then the world's tallest free-standing structure.
  • Day 26-6 year 2000: The first map of the human genome, which required decoding more than 3 billion biochemical "letters" of human DNA, is completed.
  • Day 26-6 year 2003: Former South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond died at age 100.
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Twogether: Than Tuong Gap Fan infomation and profile updated by