Website Vtv.Vn


Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: 22-2-2012 (12 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2012: 88,77 millions

Global rank: #4213



Phone number: 0988 671 671

Website Vtv.Vn profile

Who is Website Vtv.Vn?
Electronic newspaper VTV - vtv. vn, also known as Vietnam Television's Electronic Newspaper, is the only online newspaper of Vietnam Television on the Internet. The newspaper was granted operating license number 306/GP-BTTTT, dated 22/02/2012.
Electronic newspaper vtv. vn provides the fastest - most accurate news in the fields of life and society. This is an Orthodox - Trusted - Useful communication channel that is watched and loved by a large number of readers.
vtv e-newspaper. vn with the strength of being the National Television Station, always publishes official information, policy issues, major events of Vietnam and the world. In addition, the page also updates quickly and accurately information about social life in a rich and diverse way.
With the right development orientation, leadership sensitivity, unity of the staff, reporters, editors and effective investment strategy, etc. vn has affirmed its position and reputation in the hearts of readers with its constantly increasing traffic. According to survey statistics from Similarweb, the total number of unique visits in October 2022 of the site reached 8.5 million, an increase of 35.44% compared to the previous month. In which, the main user age on the page is 18-24 years old (accounting for 42.57%), then the age group is 25-34 (accounting for 34.60%)
Category main page
+Politics, Society, Law, World, Economy, Sports,
+ Television, Entertainment, Health, Life, Technology and Education,...
+ Editor-in-Chief: Vu Thanh Thuy div>
+ Deputy Editor: Pham Quoc Thang
No. 43 Nguyen Chi Thanh - Ba Dinh - Hanoi.
Phone VTV Electronic Newspaper: (024) 66897 897
Email: toasoan@vtv. vn

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Summary of Vtv.Vn profile

When was Website Vtv.Vn born?
Vtv.Vn founding day 22-2-2012 (at the age of 12).
Where is Website Vtv.Vn's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vtv.Vn was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. is a Website, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Vtv.Vn's global rank is 4213 and whose rank is 22 in list of famous Website. Population of Vietnam in 2012 is about 88,77 millions persons.
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 Image of Vtv.Vn Website interface
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Vtv.Vn ranking

Comment 06/12/22 9:25
Kể từ ngày 09/10/2022, chương trình VTV6 ngừng phát sóng sau 15 năm phát sóng, kể từ ngày 10/10/2022 chương trình ra mắt kênh VTV Cần Thơ

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Events in 2012 and 22-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Vtv.Vn

  • Jan. 4: The European Union imposes an oil embargo on Iran in an attempt to get Iran to halt uranium enrichment and end its nuclear weapons efforts. Feb. 15: Iran warns six European countries that it might cut them off from Iranian oil. The threat is made to the ambassadors of Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Greece and Portugal at the Foreign Ministry in Tehran.
  • Feb. 1: At least 73 people are killed in a fight between fans of rival teams at a soccer match in Port Said, Egypt.
  • March 4: Vladimir Putin wins the presidential election in Russia, claiming 64% of the vote. It will be his third full term as president of Russia.
  • March 10: A U.S. soldier goes on a door-to-door rampage in Afghanistan, brutally killing 17 civilians, including nine children. March 23: The U.S. military announces that Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder in the attacks.
  • March 21: Syrian president Bashar al-Assad agrees to a cease-fire. The UN-brokered plan calls on the Syrian government to stop killing civilians, engage in talks with the opposition, withdraw forces from the streets, and begin a transition to a democratic, political system. The country has been in a civil war for several months, following the March 2011 uprising. April 12: The cease-fire goes into effect, but observers are skeptical that it will last. May 26: 32 children under age 10 are killed when the Syrian government attacks the village of Houla. The United Nations blames the deaths on government tanks and artillery, saying many of the victims were executed in their homes. President Assad, however, claims terrorists carried out the attack. The cease-fire is considered moot. June 12: A United Nations official declares that Syria is in a state of civil war. June 22: The Syrian military shoots down a Turkish military jet. President Abdullah Gul of Turkey responds by saying that his country will do "whatever is necessary" in retaliation. Aug. 2: Kofi Annan resigns as UN special envoy to Syria, citing the refusal of the Syrian government to implement the UN-backed peace plan, intensifying violence by rebels, and discord within the Security Council.
  • April 1: Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who in October 2010 was released after spending nearly 20 years under house arrest, wins a seat in parliament.
  • May 1: On the first anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama makes a surprise visit to Afghanistan. During his visit, Obama signs an agreement with Afghan president Hamid Karzai that says the U.S. will provide Afghanistan development assistance for 10 years after troops withdraw in 2013.
  • May 6: Francois Hollande defeats Nicolas Sarkozy to become president of France. With the victory, Hollande becomes the first Socialist president since Francois Mitterrand left office in 1995.
  • June 11: Hosni Mubarak, former president of Egypt, is sentenced to life in prison for being an accomplice in the killing of unarmed protestors during the January 2011 demonstrations.
  • June 17: The Center-right New Democracy party prevails in parliamentary elections in Greece. June 20: New Democracy quickly forms a coalition with Pasok and the Democratic Left, and Antonis Samaras, the leader of New Democracy, is sworn in as prime minister.
  • June 24: Egyptian election officials declare Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, the winner of presidential election. Nov. 22: Morsi announces a brazen power grab when he declares authority over the courts, thereby removing any check on his actions by the courts. He says the move is necessary because the judiciary, made up of Hosni Mubarak appointees, is threatening to suspend the constitutional assembly before it completes the task of drafting a new constitution. Nov. 29: Under threat of being suspended by the courts, the constitutional assembly hastily approves a draft document, which is widely criticized for its ambiguity and lack of depth and originality. Dec. 26: President Morsi signs the new constitution into law. The referendum passed in two rounds of voting, on Dec. 14 and Dec. 22. About 64% of voters approved the constitution, but turnout was low—less than 33%.
  • July 7: For the first time since Col. Muammar Qaddafi was ousted, Libyans vote in a national election. The National Forces Alliance, a secular party led by Mahmoud Jibril, a Western-educated political scientist, prevailed over Islamist parties, including the Muslim Brotherhood, in the election to form a national congress.
  • July 27: The 2012 Summer Olympics open in London. More than 10,000 athletes from 205 countries participate in the Games. July 31: Michael Phelps wins his 19th Olympic medal, becoming the winningest Olympic athlete of all time. He surpassed the record held by Russian gymnast Larisa Latynina.
  • Aug. 22: After 19 years of negotiations, Russia joins the newest member of the World Trade Organization.
  • Sep. 11: Armed gunmen storm the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and shoot and kill U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials.
  • Oct. 7 Hugo Chávez is elected to a third term as president of Venezuela.
  • Oct. 9 In Pakistan, Taliban members shoot 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai in the head and neck. The shooting occurs while Yousafzai is on her way home on a school bus filled with children. She was targeted for her outspokenness against the Taliban and her determination to get an education.
  • Nov. 29: The UN General Assembly upgrades the status of the Palestinian Authority from current observer to non-member state.
  • Dec. 12: North Korea successfully launches a rocket into orbit. The launch indicates that the country is inching closer toward developing the expertise to build an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Founding day Vtv.Vn (22-2) in history

  • Day 22-2 year 1371: King Robert II succeeded to the throne of Scotland, beginning the Stuart dynasty.
  • Day 22-2 year 1819: Spain ceded Florida to the United States.
  • Day 22-2 year 1879: Frank Winfield Woolworth opened his first "Five Cent Store" in Utica, New York.
  • Day 22-2 year 1924: Calvin Coolidge made the first presidential radio broadcast from the White House.
  • Day 22-2 year 1935: Airplanes were no longer permitted to fly over the White House.
  • Day 22-2 year 1980: In a major upset, the U.S. Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviets 4–3 at Lake Placid, N.Y.
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