Website Yandex.Ru

Image of Yandex.Ru #


Working place: Moskva

Founding day: ?-?-1997 (27 years old)

Population of the world 1997: 5.840 billions

Global rank: #100558



Phone number: 7495 739 7000

Website Yandex.Ru profile

Who is Website Yandex.Ru?
Yandex. ru is a leading Russian search engine with comparable growth to Google. Yandex ranks 9th globally and 1st in Russia in terms of traffic. Owning a total number of visits about 3.5 billion times per month and the average visit duration is 9 minutes 29 seconds. Among them, 55.09% are male, the remaining 44.91% are female. The majority of visitors are in the age group of 25 - 34 years old (accounting for 35.45%) and from 35 - 44 years old (20.86%). The largest website traffic was direct visits, with 74.9% of total visits. (Similarweb stats October 2022).
Yandex is the 4th largest search company in the world (according to Comscore) with over 150 million searches per day and approx. 50 million regular users. The company's criterion is that users can find answers to all their questions. Yandex was founded by Arkady Volozh, Arkady Borkovsky and Ilya Segalovich. Yandex. ru is focused on developing in 4 countries outside Russia: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Another company is Yandex Lab based in San Francisco. Yandex together with Naver of Korea, Baidu of China, seznam. Czech cz are the most used local search sites. Some web browsers now default to Yandex as the default search page for the Russian version. The company has announced that the page is not visible (error 404) which is quite nice.
Other products of the company are the web browser (Yandex Browser, similar to Google Chrome) Yandex Direct, which stores information. cloud (Yandex Disk) and Yandex Blog with functions similar to Google (search, mail, maps,... Besides, there are direct stores like
The advantages of Yandex. ru:
Like Google, Yandex. ru offers free email, real-time traffic maps, music, movies, photo storage… In Russia, this website has the same development as Google, if not better. Yandex. ru is specially designed for the Russian market and is more suitable to solve the problems of searching in Russia.
If you have a headache because of too much spam, this tool will help you with this. The company has announced that it will no longer use links in its algorithms for commercial requests made in certain parts of the country. Instead, it will rely entirely on user experience and keyword ranking data. This initiative may allow it to produce higher quality results than Google.
Yandex. ru prioritizes local and regional SEO over Google. It performs geo-specific searches that only show web pages from a certain location. Therefore, users in different regions will see different results for the same search problem.

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Body measurements of members

How tall is Website Yandex.Ru? What Yandex.Ru's weight?
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Summary of Yandex.Ru profile

When was Website Yandex.Ru born?
Yandex.Ru founding day ?-?-1997 (at the age of 27).
Where is Website Yandex.Ru's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Yandex.Ru was born in Moskva, of Russia. is a Website, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Yandex.Ru's global rank is 100558 and whose rank is 224 in list of famous Website. Population of the world in 1997 is about 5.840 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images is a leading Russian search engine is a leading Russian search engine Website Interface Website Interface Website Traffic Statistics Website Traffic Statistics main traffic is direct traffic main traffic is direct traffic

Yandex.Ru ranking


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Events in 1997 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Yandex.Ru

  • Hebron agreement signed; Israel gives up large part of West Bank city of Hebron (Jan. 16). Israeli government approves establishment of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, a setback in Middle East peace process (Feb. 26). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations
  • US, UK, and France agree to freeze Nazis' gold loot (Feb. 3).
  • Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule (June 30).
  • Khmer Rouge hold trial of longtime leader Pol Pot (July 25).
  • Swiss plan first payment to Holocaust victims (Sept. 17).
  • European Union plans to admit six nations (Dec. 13).
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