Youtube star Song Thu

Song Thu

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 28-7-2015 (9 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2015: 92 millions

Global rank: #2548


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Youtube star Song Thu profile

Who is Youtube star Song Thu?
Song Thu (two sisters Anh Thu and Thien Thu) owns a Youtube Song Thu Channel with more than 850,000 subscribers. Song Thu's Youtube channel regularly posts videos of organizing games, fun challenges, Vlogs and product reviews. Song Thu's target audience is young people in their tween age. Song Thu always chooses entertaining and humorous topics to bring joy after stressful school hours for young people.
Song Thu Youtube channel launched on July 28, 2015. Initially, Anh Thu posted a video clip of a doll house made by Thien Thu. After a short time, the video clip attracted an unexpectedly large number of views. Seizing the opportunity, sisters Anh Thu and Thien Thu started making other videos with more beautiful dollhouses. After the Song Thu Youtube channel had many subscribers, the Song Thu sisters began to make funny challenge videos, simulating some games abroad such as: challenging each other to eat Korean spicy noodles, singing contests, guessing words, eat dangerous chili... When the videos received positive feedback from the audience, friends advised Anh Thu to make money from Youtube. Motivated, Anh Thu seriously invests in the videos he makes. Song Thu's Youtube channel uploads videos every day, views and subscriptions have also increased significantly. Even, Anh Thu decided to suspend her university studies for a year to focus on developing the Song Thu Youtube channel. This made Anh Thu's parents fiercely oppose. However, later on, Anh Thu's parents had to accept her daughter's dream because she could not find joy in her favorite major.
In order to have the success today, the Song Thu sisters. had to overcome many difficulties, sometimes wanted to give up because of mental breakdown. Malicious comments from the online community not only stress Anh Thu but also affect the sisters and their families. Once, Anh Thu sisters challenged each other to pour shrimp paste on their heads. After the video was posted, thousands of comments criticized the Song Thu sisters for wasting food while many people did not have food for a day. The Song Thu sisters were quite shocked by the harsh reaction of the online community. After that, the Song Thu Youtube channel removed the video that the sisters spent a lot of time making. With Anh Thu, steel spirit is extremely necessary when you are famous online.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Youtube star Song Thu? What Song Thu's weight?
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Summary of Song Thu profile

When was Youtube star Song Thu born?
Song Thu birthday 28-7-2015 (at the age of 9).
Where is Youtube star Song Thu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Song Thu was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Em, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Song Thu's global rank is 2548 and whose rank is 28 in list of famous Youtube star. Population of Vietnam in 2015 is about 92 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Song Thu is a famous pair of sisters on Youtube
Song Thu is a famous pair of sisters on Youtube
 Youtube star Song Thu is famous for her funny challenge videos
Youtube star Song Thu is famous for her funny challenge videos
 Youtube star Song Thu is two sisters Anh Thu and Thien Thu
Youtube star Song Thu is two sisters Anh Thu and Thien Thu

Song Thu ranking


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Events in 2015 and 28-7

Birthday Song Thu (28-7) in history

  • Day 28-7 year 1540: Former UK Foreign Secretary Thomas Cromwell was executed for treason and heresy at Tower Hill. On this same day, King Henry VIII married his fifth wife, Catherine Howard.
  • Day 28-7 year 1750: The great German baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach passed away in Leipzig, Germany.
  • Day 28-7 year 1794: Robespierre, The French revolutionary leader, was taken to the guillotine.
  • Day 28-7 year 1821: Peru declared its independence from Spain.
  • Day 28-7 year 1868: The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which established the citizenship of African Americans and guaranteed due process of law, was ratified.
  • Day 28-7 year 1914: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, precipitating the start of World War I.
  • Day 28-7 year 1932: Herbert Hoover ordered Douglas MacArthur to evict the Bonus Marchers from their camps.
  • Day 28-7 year 2002: Nine Pennsylvania coal miners were rescued after 77 hours of being trapped in a mine shaft.
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Note about Youtube star Song Thu

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