Youtuber Nga Sumo

Image of Nga Sumo #

Nga Sumo

Living place: Dong Nai

Birthday: 19-6-1990 (34 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1990: 66,02 millions

Global rank: #4245


Email: updating

Phone number: 0933 760 408

Youtuber Nga Sumo profile

Who is Youtuber Nga Sumo?

Nga Sumo (nicknamed Holy Eater) is a Youtuber famous for his strength eat "extraordinarily". Even though he is 1m60 tall and weighs only 45kg, this "Holy Eater" can drink 6 cans of beer in 35 seconds, ate 44 bowls of blood pudding, and ate a roast pig weighs 6kg, ate a bowl of seafood vermicelli noodle soup of nearly 5kg in 15 minutes... On social networks, Many people expressed admiration for her incredible eating power. Next to There, some people wonder why she can eat that much food and not get fat. Every day, many viewers watch Nga Sumo's channel to watch her conquer What "super huge" dish? Currently, the Russian Youtube channel Sumo has more than 240,000 subscribers, Fanpage has more than 150,000 followers. These numbers proves the great attraction of this Youtuber with a bottomless belly.

The main content on Nga Sumo channel is videos about cuisine and experimentation eating challenge. Nga Sumo is not afraid of any challenge. Wherever she went, she swept up the restaurant there, making the restaurant owner pale in fear. Nga Sumo has won many challenges, receiving prizes of millions of dong. Not only does Nga Sumo wow the audience with her incredible eating ability, she is also loved by everyone thanks to her humor and taste. friendly. Nga Sumo's videos attract a lot of viewers and receive reactions positive feedback from the audience.

However, many people are worried about her because eating too much causes bad consequences for health. Many people believe that Nga Sumo trades health for "views". it's not worth it. Many nutritionists believe that there is no digestive system What normal person can "accept" eating so much food? People who don't know when they're full can be encountered Endocrine and metabolic problems make their bodies always feel hungry must eat a lot. Or their digestive system has problems so they cannot absorb nutrients nutrients lead to eating a lot but still being skinny.


Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Youtuber Nga Sumo?
Youtuber Nga Sumo has collaborated with Hoang Hai (owner of Sapa TV channel) to carry out many eating challenges, attracts the attention of a large audience.

Body measurements of

How tall is Youtuber Nga Sumo? What Nga Sumo's weight?
Height: 1m60
Weight: 45kg
3 measurements: updating

Summary of Nga Sumo profile

When was Youtuber Nga Sumo born?
Nga Sumo birthday 19-6-1990 (at the age of 34).
Where is Youtuber Nga Sumo's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nga Sumo was born in Dong Nai, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Nga Sumo's global rank is 4245 and whose rank is 112 in list of famous Youtuber. Population of Vietnam in 1990 is about 66,02 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Russian Youtuber Sumo has a bottomless belly
Russian Youtuber Sumo has a bottomless belly
Russian Youtuber Sumo eats a lot but is still skinny
Russian Youtuber Sumo eats a lot but is still skinny
Lovely Chibi image of Russian Youtuber Sumo
Lovely Chibi image of Russian Youtuber Sumo

Nga Sumo ranking


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Events in 1990 and 19-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Nga Sumo

  • General Manuel Noriega surrenders in Panama (Jan. 3).
  • Yugoslav Communists end 45-year monopoly of power (Jan. 22).
  • Communist Party relinquish sole power in Soviet government (Feb. 7). Background: Dissolution of the USSR
  • South Africa frees Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27½ years (Feb. 11).
  • US-Soviet summit reaches accord on armaments (June 1).
  • Western Alliance ends Cold War and proposes joint action with Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (July 6).
  • Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.). Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • East and West Germany reunited (Aug. 31 et seq.).
  • Margaret Thatcher resigns as British Prime Minister (Nov. 22); John Major succeeds her (Nov. 28).
  • Lech Walesa wins Poland's runoff Presidential election (Dec. 9).

Birthday Nga Sumo (19-6) in history

  • Day 19-6 year 1862: Congress abolished slavery in the U.S. territories.
  • Day 19-6 year 1865: Gen. Gordon Granger informed the citizens of Galveston, Tex., that the slaves were freed. The celebration of the day became known as Juneteenth.
  • Day 19-6 year 1867: The first running of the Belmont Stakes.
  • Day 19-6 year 1934: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was created.
  • Day 19-6 year 1964: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved.
  • Day 19-6 year 1977: Pope Paul VI proclaimed John Neumann, the first male saint from the United States.
  • Day 19-6 year 1987: The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring any public school teaching the theory of evolution to teach creationism as well.
  • Day 19-6 year 2002: Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai was sworn in.
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Note about Youtuber Nga Sumo

Nga Sumo infomation and profile updated by