Admin Vu Viet Anh

Image of Vu Viet Anh #

Vu Viet Anh

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1998 (26 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1998: 75,46 millions

Global rank: #2049



Phone number: 0936 516 875

Admin Vu Viet Anh profile

Who is Admin Vu Viet Anh?
Vu Viet Anh, also known by the nickname Viet Anh Qua Chanh, is a young and very young man Hai Phong talent. Currently, he is an office worker and manager of the fanpage The cat named Wolf (nearly 300K followers), the Lover's fanpage (nearly 60K followers) and the Tiktok channel with nearly 1 million followers. Follower.
Viet Anh was born and raised in Hai Phong, after graduating from high school, He passed the entrance exam to the Academy of Finance (Academy Of Finance). However, with the desire to do something new to develop himself, he decided to stop studying midway to assert his ability. That makes the family or everyone around feel a bit "problem". However, at this moment, he is not too concerned about what people think because he wants to be himself and bravely pursuing his passion is happy.
With a love for social networks. Society, wanted to try out in the field of marketing, Viet Anh had the idea of ​​​​opening a fanpage for Wolf - the cat friend that he adopted. He named the fanpage The cat named Wolf - a very impressive name. With the mindset: "Same job, I always want to make it interesting, different from what most people think". Therefore, the guy did not have much difficulty in approaching and turning Wolf into a close friend. The guy often shares his unique and impressive images as well as his attractive videos with his "pet" on his personal page. Since then, the number of people following the page has been increasing day by day. And now he has become one of the most influential people on social networks.
Not only a facebooker, a tiktoker that is interested and loved by many people The love of the couple Viet Anh - Thu Chuc also makes many people admire. He often shares his daily chat videos with his lover in a natural and funny way on his personal page and attracts millions of views from the online community. Currently, Thu Chuc - Viet Anh's lover is an international student in Korea, the couple is in a long distance relationship, so they also face many difficulties. But above all, the couple who feels long distance love also has a lot of fun and surprises. The two always try to do something together as much as possible: eat together, sleep together, play games together, work together… even through a computer screen.
Nguoinoitieng. tv wishes Viet Anh to always be healthy and achieve more success on the path he has chosen. May your love always be strong and soon "reunite" together!

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Vu Viet Anh profile

When was Admin Vu Viet Anh born?
Vu Viet Anh birthday ?-?-1998 (at the age of 26).
Where is Admin Vu Viet Anh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Viet Anh was born in Hai Phong, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Vu Viet Anh's global rank is 2049 and whose rank is 5 in list of famous Admin. Population of Vietnam in 1998 is about 75,46 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Handsome image of admin Vu Viet Anh and his pet
Handsome image of admin Vu Viet Anh and his pet
 Vu Viet Anh - talented admin
Vu Viet Anh - talented admin
 Hai Phong guy Vu Viet Anh
Hai Phong guy Vu Viet Anh

Vu Viet Anh ranking


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Events in 1998 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Viet Anh

  • Serbs battle ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (March 5 et seq.). Serbs renew attack on Kosovo rebels (June 1). NATO, on verge of air strikes, reaches settlement with Milosevic on Kosovo (Oct. 12).
  • Good Friday Accord is reached in Northern Ireland (April 10). Irish Parliament backs peace agreement (April 22). Background: N. Ireland Peace Negotiations
  • Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3).
  • India conducts three atomic tests despite worldwide disapproval (May 11, 13). Pakistan stages five nuclear tests in response (May 29, 30).
  • Indonesian dictator Suharto steps down after 32 years in power (May 21).
  • Iraq ends cooperation with UN arms inspectors (Aug. 5). Clinton orders air strikes (Dec. 16–19).
  • US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed (Aug. 7). US cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan (Aug. 20).
  • Russia fights to avert financial collapse (Aug. 17).
  • Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet arrested in London (Oct. 16).
  • Wye Mills Agreement between Netanyahu and Arafat moves Middle East peace talks forward (Oct. 23). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations
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Note about Admin Vu Viet Anh

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