Baseball player Dale Long

Dale Long

Living place: Springfield

Birthday: 6-2-1926 (98 years old)

Population of US 1926: 117,397,000

Global rank: #100545

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Baseball player Dale Long profile

Who is Baseball player Dale Long?
All-Star backhand-hit first baseman to appear 20 or more home runs four times in his 10-year MLB career.
Although not known for his speed, he led the league in three in 1955 with 13.

Young / Before famous

He played baseball at Adams High School.

Family life info

He was born in Springfield, Missouri.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Baseball player Dale Long là ai?
Fielder True Home run-hit Roger Maris was his teammate on the New York Yankees.

Body measurements of

How tall is Baseball player Dale Long? What Dale Long's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Dale Long profile

When was Baseball player Dale Long born?
Dale Long birthday 6-2-1926 (at the age of 98).
Where is Baseball player Dale Long's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Dale Long was born in Springfield, Missouri- United States. Là Baseball player, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Dale Long's global rank is 100545 and whose rank is 1716 in list of famous Baseball player. Population of US in 1926 is about 117,397,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1926 and 6-2

Events in US in the birth year of Dale Long

  • U.S. troops land in Nicaragua (May 2) to preserve order after a revolt against the new president Emiliano Chamorro.
  • Father Coughlin makes his first radio broadcast, beginning his 20-year career of racist and right-wing polemics.

Birthday Dale Long (6-2) in history

  • Day 6-2 year 1788: Massachusetts ratified the U.S. Constitution, becoming the sixth state to join the Union.
  • Day 6-2 year 1804: Joseph Priestley, British chemist, died. His work on the isolation of gases led him to discover oxygen in 1774.
  • Day 6-2 year 1899: The Spanish-American War ended when a peace treaty between Spain and the United States was signed.
  • Day 6-2 year 1933: The 20th Amendment to the Constitution, which set the date for the president's inauguration on Jan. 20, was adopted.
  • Day 6-2 year 1935: The popular board game Monopoly® went on sale for the first time.
  • Day 6-2 year 1952: Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.
  • Day 6-2 year 1971: Astronaut Alan B. Shepard hit a golf ball and Edgar Mitchell threw a "javelin" on the moon. They landed in the same crater and remain on the Moon today.
  • Day 6-2 year 2001: Ariel Sharon was elected prime minister of Israel.
  • Day 6-2 year 2012: The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II marked the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne.
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Note about Baseball player Dale Long

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