Football club Napoli


Working place: Naples

Founding day: 25-8-1926 (98 years old)

Global rank: #3470

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Football club Napoli profile

Who is Football club Napoli?
Napoli full name is Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli, is an Italian professional football club, founded in 1926 and based in Naples. Most of this team's playing history is in the Serie A league. They have won the Serie A championship twice, in the 1986-1987 and 1989-1990 seasons. This is also the most successful club in the South of Italy, and also the 4th most popular Italian football team. During its establishment and development, this team has changed many times, the most important change being in 1964, changing its name from Associazione Calcio Napoli to Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli. In 2004, the club went bankrupt and was bought by film producer Aurelio De Laurentiis. He named this team Napoli.
In the early morning of April 24, Napoli Club defeated Juventus with a score of 1-0 at the Allianz Stadium, opening a way closer. won the Serie A championship for the first time since Diego Maradona. The last time they were crowned Serie A champions was in 1990, with the participation of the legendary Diego Maradona. At one point, they had to be relegated to the 3rd tier of Serie 3. After 33 years, Napoli is getting closer to the Serie A title.
Serie A Champion:
1986 season –87, 1989–90
Coppa Italia Champion:
61–62, 1975–76, 1986–87, 2011–12, 2013–14, 2019–20
Supercoppa Italiana Champion:
1990, 2014 Season
Champion UEFA Cup:
1988–89 season
Serie B Champions:
49–50 season
Players currently playing for Napoli:
  • Alex Meret
  • Mário Rui
  • Alessandro Zanoli
  • Stanislav Lobotka
  • Gianluca Gaetano
  • Khvicha Kvaratskhelia
  • Giacomo Raspadori (on loan from Sassuolo)
  • Tanguy Ndombele (on loan from Tottenham)
  • Elif Elmas
  • Victor Osimhen
  • Hirving Lozano
  • Davide Marfella
  • Amir Rrahmani
  • Kim Min-jae
  • Diego Demme
  • Juan Jesus
  • Mathías Olivera
  • Giovanni Simeone (borrowed from Hellas Verona)
  • Piotr Zieliński
  • Matteo Politano
  • Giovanni Di Lorenzo (captain)
  • Alessio Zerbin
  • Salvatore Sirigu
  • Karim Zedadka
  • Leo Skiri Østigård
  • André-Frank Zambo Anguissa

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Body measurements of members

How tall is Football club Napoli? What Napoli's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Napoli profile

When was Football club Napoli born?
Napoli founding day 25-8-1926 (at the age of 98).
Where is Football club Napoli's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Napoli was born in Naples, of Italy. is a Football club, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Napoli's global rank is 3470 and whose rank is 19 in list of famous Football club.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Napoli football club logo image
Napoli football club logo image
Image of Napoli players on the field
Image of Napoli players on the field
Picture of Napoli players celebrating victory
Picture of Napoli players celebrating victory

Napoli ranking


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Events in 1926 and 25-8

Events in the world in the birth year of Napoli

  • A general strike in Britain brings the nation's activities to a standstill.
  • U.S. marines are dispatched to Nicaragua during the revolt; they remain until 1933.
  • Chiang Kai-shek becomes leader of China's revolutionary party following the 1925 death of Sun Yat-sen.
  • Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett fly from Spitsbergen to the North Pole and back.

Founding day Napoli (25-8) in history

  • Day 25-8 year 1718: Louisiana's largest city, New Orleans, was founded by French settlers and named after the Duke of Orleans.
  • Day 25-8 year 1825: Uruguay declared its independence from Brazil.
  • Day 25-8 year 1875: Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel. It took him 21 hours and 45 minutes.
  • Day 25-8 year 1916: The Department of the Interior created the National Park Service to manage and preserve national parks and monuments for future generations.
  • Day 25-8 year 1944: Paris was liberated from Nazi occupation by Allied forces.
  • Day 25-8 year 1984: Author Truman Capote was found dead in Los Angeles.
  • Day 25-8 year 2001: Singer and actress Aaliyah died in a plane crash in the Bahamas.
  • Day 25-8 year 2003: NASA launched the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope.
  • Day 25-8 year 2009: Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, a fixture in the Senate for 46 years, dies of brain cancer at the age of 77.
  • Day 25-8 year 2012: The first human to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, died after suffering complications from a heart bypass.
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Note about Football club Napoli

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