Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong

Nguyen Viet Cuong

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1968 (56 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1968: 40,86 millions

Global rank: #74992

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Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong profile

Who is Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong?
Entrepreneur Nguyen Viet Cuong, also known as Phu Cuong. It is known that he is the chairman of Phu Cuong Group, operating in the business of aquaculture and seafood export. Besides, he also develops and expands into areas such as restaurants, real estate, tourism, ... and becomes a multi-industry, multi-industry corporation. He is also one of the famous bosses in Kien Giang.
It is known that businessman Phu Cuong started his career as a person specializing in purchasing and preliminary processing of black tiger shrimp. After a while, he and his relatives and friends launched Phu Cuong company. At first, the company mainly focused on aquaculture and seafood export. After many years of successful business, the business has officially developed into a corporation. After that, it also expanded into many fields of real estate business, renewable energy, tourism, ... and became a multi-sector, multi-industry corporation. Besides, he is also the investor of the second largest urban area project in Kien Giang. Not only stopping there, he also developed 2 more projects which are Phu Cuong Phu Quy Urban Area and Phu Cuong Hoang Gia Urban Area. Up to now, his business has also achieved many outstanding achievements.
Going up from empty hands with his efforts and bravery, he has become successful and become one of the famous giants in Kien Giang as well as Ho Chi Minh City. Along with his contribution to the social community, he has helped develop the economy of the Mekong Delta. Besides, he also received many certificates of merit for his contribution. In 2010, the great rich man Phu Cuong was awarded the first-class Labor Medal by the President.
Recently, the online community was aroused by the 100 billion wedding in Kien Giang. It is known that this is the wedding of the youngest daughter of businessman Phu Cuong - Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhu. The wedding was held at Sea Square on Phu Gia Island, Phu Cuong Urban Area, Rach Gia, Kien Giang. After the ceremony was held, many people could not help but admire the grandeur and willingness to play of this giant. The space of the party was inspired by the famous architecture of Singapore Gardens by the Bay. In particular, the wedding also used fresh flowers for decoration and plants symbolizing lasting love.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong? What Nguyen Viet Cuong's weight?
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Summary of Nguyen Viet Cuong profile

When was Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong born?
Nguyen Viet Cuong birthday ?-?-1968 (at the age of 56).
Where is Businessmen Nguyen Viet Cuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Viet Cuong was born in Kien Giang, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Nguyen Viet Cuong's global rank is 74992 and whose rank is 1040 in list of famous Businessmen. Population of Vietnam in 1968 is about 40,86 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of businessman Nguyen Viet Cuong
Portrait of businessman Nguyen Viet Cuong
 Image of businessman Nguyen Viet Cuong and his daughter
Image of businessman Nguyen Viet Cuong and his daughter
 Mr. Nguyen Viet Cuong and his family at his daughter's 100 billion wedding in Kien Giang
Mr. Nguyen Viet Cuong and his family at his daughter's 100 billion wedding in Kien Giang

Nguyen Viet Cuong ranking


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Events in 1968 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Viet Cuong

  • North Korea seizes US Navy ship Pueblo; holds 83 on board as spies (Jan. 23).
  • North Vietnamese launch the Tet Offensive, a turning point in the Vietnam War (Jan.-Feb.).
  • American soldiers massacre 347 civilians at My Lai (March 16). Background: Vietnam War
  • Czechoslovakia is invaded by Russians and Warsaw Pact forces to crush liberal regime (Aug. 20).
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