Comedian Tristan Pasterick


Tristan Pasterick

Living place: United States

Birthday: 28-9-1996 (28 years old)

Population of the world 1996: 5.760 billions

Global rank: #31771

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Comedian Tristan Pasterick profile

Who is Comedian Tristan Pasterick?
Actor and comedian who was a regular serializer on the Cartoon Network comedy show, Incredible Crew. He also starred as The Incybers in 2010. His most famous sketch comedy characters include the Pancake Genie, the Shark Manners, and the Super-Sensitive Viking.

Young / Before famous

His early career credits include an appearance in the television series, I'm in the Band, and a role in a T. V. film called The Incybers.

Family life info

He was born into a family of Eurasian and Pacific Islander heritage.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Comedian Tristan Pasterick là ai?
His series, Incredible Crew, was created by Nick Cannon and ran for one season on Cartoon Network.

Body measurements of

How tall is Comedian Tristan Pasterick? What Tristan Pasterick's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Tristan Pasterick profile

When was Comedian Tristan Pasterick born?
Tristan Pasterick birthday 28-9-1996 (at the age of 28).
Where is Comedian Tristan Pasterick's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tristan Pasterick was born in United States. Là Comedian, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Tristan Pasterick's global rank is 31771 and whose rank is 387 in list of famous Comedian. Population of the world in 1996 is about 5.760 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1996 and 28-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Tristan Pasterick

  • Chechens capture 2,000 Russians (Jan. 9). Chechnya peace treaty signed (May 27).
  • France agrees to end nuclear testing (Jan. 29). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Britain alarmed by an outbreak of "mad cow" disease (March 20 et seq.).
  • UN tribunal charges war crimes by Bosnian Muslims and Croats (March 22). Nations pledge $1.23 billion in aid to rebuild Bosnia (April 22).
  • South Africa gets new constitution (May 8).
  • Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister (May 31).
  • Iraqis strike at Kurdish enclave (Aug. 31); after warning, US attacks Iraq's southern air defenses (Sept. 2–3).
  • Militant Taliban leaders seize Afghan capital of Kabul (Sept. 27).
  • Ethnic violence breaks out in Zairian refugee camps (Oct. 13); Clinton approves plan for UN-backed relief mission for 1.2 million Hutu refugees starving in eastern Zaire (Nov. 13). Hundreds of thousands return to Rwanda (Nov. 15–18).

Birthday Tristan Pasterick (28-9) in history

  • Day 28-9 year 1542: The famous explorer with dual Portuguese and Spanish citizenship, Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, landed in what is now San Diego.
  • Day 28-9 year 1781: The "American Revolution" campaign ended in Yorktown Heights, Virginia.
  • Day 28-9 year 1920: Eight Chicago White Sox players were indicted for fixing the 1919 World Series in the "Black Sox scandal."
  • Day 28-9 year 1924: Two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle after completing the first round-the-world-flight in 175 days.
  • Day 28-9 year 1939: A German-Soviet agreement divided Poland between Nazi Germany and the USSR.
  • Day 28-9 year 1967: Walter Washington became the first mayor of the District of Columbia.
  • Day 28-9 year 1972: Japan and Communist China agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations.
  • Day 28-9 year 1989: Former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos died in exile in Hawaii.
  • Day 28-9 year 1991: Jazz great Miles Davis died.
  • Day 28-9 year 2003: Althea Gibson, the first African-American tennis player to win at Wimbledon, died.
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Note about Comedian Tristan Pasterick

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