Composer Alfred Newman large #

Alfred Newman

Living place: Connecticut

Birthday: 17-3-1901

Population of US 1901: 77,584,000

Global rank: #78881

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Composer Alfred Newman profile

Who is Composer Alfred Newman?
American lead and composer of more than two hundred films. He won Oscars for his work on films such as The King and I and Camelot.
He set a record for a composer by winning nine Oscars in his lifetime.

Young / Before famous

He regularly does the ten-mile round trip to a friend's house to practice the piano.

Family life info

His nephew is Oscar-winning singer-songwriter Randy Newman.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Composer Alfred Newman?
He and John Williams are often considered two of the greatest film composers of all time.

Body measurements of

How tall is Composer Alfred Newman? What Alfred Newman's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Alfred Newman profile

When was Composer Alfred Newman born?
Alfred Newman was born in 17-3-1901, death year is , at the age of 123.
Where is Composer Alfred Newman's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Alfred Newman was born in Connecticut, . is a Composer, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Alfred Newman's global rank is 78881 and whose rank is 836 in list of famous Composer. Population of US in 1901 is about 77,584,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1901 and 17-3

Events in US in the birth year of Alfred Newman

  • As President McKinley begins his second term, he is fatally shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz (Sept. 6). Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as successor after McKinley dies on Sept. 14.
  • J.P. Morgan creates the United States Steel Co., which will become the first $1 billion corporation in the world.

Birthday Alfred Newman (17-3) in history

  • Day 17-3 year 1762: The first St. Patrick's Day Parade in the United States, was held in New York City.
  • Day 17-3 year 1776: British forces evacuated Boston during the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 17-3 year 1870: Wellesley Female Seminary (later Wellesley College) received its charter from the Massachusetts legislature.
  • Day 17-3 year 1942: Gen. Douglas MacArthur became supreme commander of Allied forces in the southwest Pacific theater during World War II.
  • Day 17-3 year 1963: Mount Agung on Bali erupted, killing 1,184 people.
  • Day 17-3 year 1969: Golda Meir was sworn in as prime minister of Israel.
  • Day 17-3 year 2003: President Bush delivered an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein: leave Iraq within 48 hours or face an attack.
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Other famous Composer

Famous people born in 17-3-1901

Note about Composer Alfred Newman

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