Dancing person Nega


Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 17-4-1999 (25 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1999: 76,6 millions

Global rank: #87963

Facebook: instagram.com/ac.nega.chaos/

Email: helloimnegative99@gmail.com

Phone number: updating

Dancing person Nega profile

Who is Dancing person Nega?
Nega's real name is Nguyen Do Quoc Khanh is a young dancer from Hanoi. This 9X guy is currently attracting the attention of the Vietnamese online community when having doubts about dating singer Bao Anh. The rumored boyfriend of the singer Bao Anh was once a contestant of her team in a popular dance show the name is Street Dance Vietnam 2022. Nega has a tall appearance, a supple body, and is both a dancer and a dancer with a rather special style.
Dancer from Ha Thanh currently lives and works in
. a href="/born-city/ho-chi-minh-viet-nam">Ho Chi Minh City. Although he was born in the capital, he decided to choose Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City is a place to develop her art work. Currently, the guy is active on Facebook and Instagram platforms, attracting thousands of personal page followers. It is known that Quoc Khanh used to be a dancer. In 2022, he decided to apply for a dance program called Street Dance Vietnam 2022. In this dance show, Nega is a contestant on coach Bao Anh's team. Although he was not the contestant who achieved the highest position of the show, his hard work and study helped him receive much love from the judges and the audience.
Recently, the online community has wondered that female singer Bao Anh is pregnant. This rumor has not ended, the singer continues to cause waves in Vietnamese social networks with the image of locking a guy's lips, and many people have noticed that her rumored boyfriend is Nega. Soon after, netizens quickly tracked down the identity of this Dancer guy. Currently, the suspicion that singer Bao Anh and dancer Nega are dating is spreading at a dizzying speed on social networks. It is worth mentioning that the intimate image of female singer Bao Anh and the strange guy appeared at the same time as rumors that she was pregnant and secretly gave birth.

Close relationship

Girl friend/ wife/ darling Dancing person Nega là ai?

Body measurements of

How tall is Dancing person Nega? What Nega's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Nega profile

When was Dancing person Nega born?
Nega birthday 17-4-1999 (at the age of 25).
Where is Dancing person Nega's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nega was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Nega's global rank is 87963 and whose rank is 27 in list of famous Dancing person. Population of Vietnam in 1999 is about 76,6 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Dancer Nega's portrait

Dancer Nega's new image

Dancer Nega's dating rumors with singer Bao Anh

Nega ranking


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Events in 1999 and 17-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Nega

  • Russian president Boris Yeltsin survives impeachment hearings (May), reshuffles his cabinet twice (May, Aug.), and takes military action against Islamic separatists in Dagestan and Chechnya. Background: 1999 in Review.
  • Nelson Mandela, first black president of South Africa, steps down (June 16), and Thabo Mbeki takes over.
  • War erupts in Kosovo after Yugoslavia's president Slobodan Milosevic clamps down on the province, massacring and deporting ethnic Albanians. NATO begins Operation Allied Force on March 24, 1999, launching air strikes against Belgrade for 78 consecutive days until Milosevic relents. Background: Timeline: The Splintering of Kosovo and Timeline: NATO in Kosovo.
  • Magnitude 7.4 earthquake kills more than 15,600 and leaves 600,000 homeless in Turkey (Aug. 17).
  • East Timor population votes for independence from Indonesia (Aug. 30, 1999), which causes pro-Indonesian forces to massacre and uproot thousands of East Timorese.
  • Pakistani government is overthrown in the midst of economic strife and intensified fighting with India over Kashmir (Oct. 12). Background: 1999 in Review.
  • The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug, with more drastic millennial theorists warning of Armageddon.
  • See also: 1999 Year in Review: News of the World

Birthday Nega (17-4) in history

  • Day 17-4 year 1790: Benjamin Franklin, American patriot, diplomat, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, has died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Day 17-4 year 1895: The Sino-Japanese War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
  • Day 17-4 year 1937: Daffy Duck made his debut in Porky's Duck Hunt.
  • Day 17-4 year 1961: Supported by the U.S. government, 1,500 exiles made the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba.
  • Day 17-4 year 1964: Geraldine Mock became the first woman to fly solo around the world.
  • Day 17-4 year 1969: Sirhan Sirhan was convicted for the murder of Robert F. Kennedy.
  • Day 17-4 year 1970: The Apollo 13 astronauts safely splashed down after their near-disastrous flight.
  • Day 17-4 year 1975: Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge, ending the five year Cambodian war.
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Note about Dancing person Nega

Nega infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.