DJ Thai Hoang

Image of Thai Hoang #

Thai Hoang

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 23-10-1991 (33 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1991: 67,24 millions

Global rank: #2827



Phone number: updating

DJ Thai Hoang profile

Who is DJ Thai Hoang?
Thai Hoang is a name that is no stranger to the followers of EDM and Vinahouse music. He is currently the manager of TH Academy – The first and only DJ training academy at Vietnam . This 9X guy was born and raised in Hai Phong, since childhood had a strong passion for music. He used to study abroad and graduated from a university in a foreign school, but he changed his direction to pursue his passion for music and became a famous DJ. Not only is he a hot name and is known as "the king who doesn't mind: of many bars and big music venues across the country, this guy also has a world tour from Germany, England, Australia, Japan, Sweden...
To be able to pursue a passion for music, becoming a professional and famous DJ requires not only passion but also determination. From passion, can feel all kinds of art in the most authentic way, the best Youtube channel with mixes of Thai Hoang has also attracted millions of views, helping him become a YouTuber that hit the button. Bach's reputation for YouTube, his passion for music also helps him to put on his best efforts to "put on" familiar Vietnamese songs in a new shirt, making the audience love Vietnamese music more. And TH Academy - with its organizational model Professional, methodical, systematic training was born to realize that dream and aspiration, Thai Hoang himself feels the potential of Vinashouse music, which can be touched by young people who love the profession. listener's heart. But only a few can't bring this music to the world. Therefore, he has built a base to pass on his experiences and knowledge as well as a playground for all DJs to have a place to exchange and learn.
In Vietnam, there are very few training centers for young people in vinahouse music. There are also very few institutions that train young people to love DJing. That's why the original DJ Hai Phong wishes to help many young people with passion like me to get into the profession. Sharing about future plans, Thai Hoang said that in the near future, he will launch many impressive music products to serve the audience. He also hopes to receive a lot of support and love from the audience.
On the morning of April 25, Hai Duong Provincial Police informed the police force. caught Tran Thai Hoang in the act of illegally possessing narcotics. According to initial information, the criminal police department of the provincial police Hai Duong has coordinated with the police functional forces Hai Duong province suddenly checked Ruby Club 18 in An Dinh, Nhi Chau ward, Hai Duong city, on April 22. At the time the police force appeared, this bar was filled with nearly 100 guests who were reeling in the music. Among the guests present at this bar was DJ Thai Hoang who illegally possessed 1,535 grams of ketamine-type drugs. In addition, the functional forces also discovered and seized a total of 5,332 grams of MDMA drugs on the stairs and on the floor of Ruby Club 18.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is DJ Thai Hoang? What Thai Hoang's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Thai Hoang profile

When was DJ Thai Hoang born?
Thai Hoang birthday 23-10-1991 (at the age of 33).
Where is DJ Thai Hoang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thai Hoang was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Thai Hoang's global rank is 2827 and whose rank is 36 in list of famous DJ. Population of Vietnam in 1991 is about 67,24 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of DJ Thai Hoang
Portrait of DJ Thai Hoang
New image of DJ Thai Hoang
New image of DJ Thai Hoang
DJ Thai Hoang wishes to bring Viahouse music to the world
DJ Thai Hoang wishes to bring Viahouse music to the world
Image of DJ Thai Hoang - a familiar face of EDM music lovers
Image of DJ Thai Hoang - a familiar face of EDM music lovers

Thai Hoang ranking


Thái Hoàng 26/04/23 11:10
DJ Trần Thái Hoàng bị bắt vì tàng trữ chất ma tuý

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Events in 1991 and 23-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Thai Hoang

  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3); UN forces are victorious. Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • Europeans end sanctions on South Africa (April 15). South African Parliament repeals apartheid laws (June 5).
  • France agrees to sign 1968 treaty banning spread of atomic weapons (June 3). China accepts nuclear nonproliferation treaty (Aug. 10). Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty (July 31).
  • Communist Government of Albania resigns (June 4).
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved (July 1).
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10). Yeltsin's stock increases when he takes a prominent role in suppressing an anti-Gorbachev coup by communist hardliners (Aug. 18-22). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from USSR (Aug. 25); US recognizes them (Sept. 2).
  • Haitian troops seize president in uprising (Sept. 30). US suspends assistance to Haiti (Oct. 1).
  • US indicts two Libyans in 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (Nov. 15).
  • Soviet Union breaks up after President Gorbachev's resignation; constituent republics form Commonwealth of Independent States (Dec. 25). Background: Dissolution of the USSR

Birthday Thai Hoang (23-10) in history

  • Day 23-10 year 1915: 25,000 women marched in New York City, demanding the right to vote.
  • Day 23-10 year 1946: The United Nations General Assembly convened in New York for the first time.
  • Day 23-10 year 1973: President Richard Nixon agreed to turn White House tape recordings requested by the Watergate special prosecutor over to Judge John J. Sirica.
  • Day 23-10 year 1983: A suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International airport in Lebanon killed 241 U.S. Marines and sailors.
  • Day 23-10 year 2002: Chechen rebels seized a crowded Moscow theater, taking hundreds hostage. Russian forces stormed the building the next day.
  • Day 23-10 year 2003: Madame Chiang Kai-shek died at age 105.
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Note about DJ Thai Hoang

Thai Hoang infomation and profile updated by