Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden

Beezie Madden

Living place: Wisconsin

Birthday: 20-11-1963 (61 years old)

Population of US 1963: 189,241,798

Global rank: #24759

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden profile

Who is Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden?
Present jumper who won gold medals in team dance at the 2004 and 2008 Summer Olympics.
At the 2008 Olympics, she also won a bronze medal in the individual case.

Young / Before famous

She started riding when she was only three years old.

Family life info

She married her trainer John Madden in 1998.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden?
Her gold medal in 2004 was with teammate Chris Kappler.

Body measurements of

How tall is Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden? What Beezie Madden's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Beezie Madden profile

When was Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden born?
Beezie Madden birthday 20-11-1963 (at the age of 61).
Where is Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Beezie Madden was born in Wisconsin, . is a Equestrian athlete, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Beezie Madden's global rank is 24759 and whose rank is 5 in list of famous Equestrian athlete. Population of US in 1963 is about 189,241,798 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1963 and 20-11

Events in US in the birth year of Beezie Madden

  • Michael E. De Bakey implants artificial heart in human for first time at Houston hospital (April 21).
  • US Supreme Court rules no locality may require recitation of Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools (June 17). Background: Church and State
  • "March on Washington," civil rights rally held by 200,000 blacks and whites in Washington, D.C.; Martin Luther King delivers "I have a dream" speech (Aug. 28).
  • President Kennedy shot and killed in Dallas, Tex. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President same day (Nov. 22). Background: Timeline of Kennedy tragedies
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, accused Kennedy assassin, is shot and killed by Jack Ruby (Nov. 24).

Birthday Beezie Madden (20-11) in history

  • Day 20-11 year 1789: New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
  • Day 20-11 year 1910: Francisco Madero began an armed revolt against the president of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz.
  • Day 20-11 year 1945: The war crimes trials of 24 German World War II leaders began in Nuremberg, Germany.
  • Day 20-11 year 1947: The future Queen Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Ediburgh.
  • Day 20-11 year 1962: President John F. Kennedy agreed to lift the American blockade of Cuba, ending the Cuban missile crisis.
  • Day 20-11 year 1975: Spain's General Francisco Franco died.
  • Day 20-11 year 2000: Peru's president Alberto Fujimori resigned.
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Other famous Equestrian athlete

Famous people born in 20-11-1963

Note about Equestrian athlete Beezie Madden

Beezie Madden infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.