Football player Rob Hitchcock

Rob Hitchcock

Living place: Hamilton

Birthday: 28-10-1970 (54 years old)

Population of the world 1970: 3.706 billions

Global rank: #100628

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Football player Rob Hitchcock profile

Who is Football player Rob Hitchcock?
Ace Defensive player in the CFL from 1995-2007, spending all but one season with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.
He is a two-time all-star CFL.

Young / Before famous

He played college football at Weber State.

Family life info

He was born in Hamilton, Ontario, where he played most of his professional football.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Football player Rob Hitchcock?
He attended the same college as Damian Lillard.

Body measurements of

How tall is Football player Rob Hitchcock? What Rob Hitchcock's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Rob Hitchcock profile

When was Football player Rob Hitchcock born?
Rob Hitchcock birthday 28-10-1970 (at the age of 54).
Where is Football player Rob Hitchcock's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Rob Hitchcock was born in Hamilton, of Canada. is a Football player, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Rob Hitchcock's global rank is 100628 and whose rank is 5839 in list of famous Football player. Population of the world in 1970 is about 3.706 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1970 and 28-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Rob Hitchcock

  • Biafra surrenders after 32-month fight for independence from Nigeria (Jan. 12).
  • Rhodesia severs last tie with British Crown and declares itself a racially segregated republic (March 1).
  • US troops invade Cambodia (May 1). Background: Vietnam War
  • A Palestinian revolt erupts in Jordan. Forces loyal to King Hussein suppress the revolt and expel the PLO from the country.
  • Earthquake kills more than 50,000 in Peru (May 31).
  • Egyptian President Nasser dies and is replaced by Anwar el-Sadat.
  • Tonga (June 4) and Fiji (Oct. 10) gain independence from Britain.

Birthday Rob Hitchcock (28-10) in history

  • Day 28-10 year 1793: Eli Whitney applied for a patent for the cotton gin.
  • Day 28-10 year 1886: The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland.
  • Day 28-10 year 1919: Congress passed the Volstead Act, or the National Prohibition Act, over President Woodrow Wilson's veto.
  • Day 28-10 year 1922: Benito Mussolini took control of the government of Italy.
  • Day 28-10 year 1940: Italy invaded Greece during World War II.
  • Day 28-10 year 1958: A new pope was elected—Pope John XXIII.
  • Day 28-10 year 1962: Nikita Khrushchev told the U.S. that he had ordered the dismantling of Soviet missile bases in Cuba.
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Note about Football player Rob Hitchcock

Rob Hitchcock infomation and profile updated by