Guitarist Phil Demmel

Phil Demmel

Living place: Walnut Creek

Birthday: 2-4-1967 (57 years old)

Population of US 1967: 198,712,056

Global rank: #65963

Email: updating

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Guitarist Phil Demmel profile

Who is Guitarist Phil Demmel?
Guitarist for the heavy metal group Machine Head founder of Vio-violence. He also played with Torque.
He is a big hockey fan, having grown up watching and playing the sport.

Young / Before famous

When their former guitarist unexpectedly left the group, Phil DEMMEL played the Machine Head European tour, and then officially became a member.

Family life info

The combined stress of his family and relationship problems causes a collapse on stage in one night.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Guitarist Phil Demmel?
He is close friends with his band member Robb Flynn.

Body measurements of

How tall is Guitarist Phil Demmel? What Phil Demmel's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Phil Demmel profile

When was Guitarist Phil Demmel born?
Phil Demmel birthday 2-4-1967 (at the age of 57).
Where is Guitarist Phil Demmel's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Phil Demmel was born in Walnut Creek, California- United States. is a Guitarist, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Phil Demmel's global rank is 65963 and whose rank is 945 in list of famous Guitarist. Population of US in 1967 is about 198,712,056 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1967 and 2-4

Events in US in the birth year of Phil Demmel

  • Racial violence in Detroit; 7,000 National Guardsmen aid police after night of rioting. Similar outbreaks in New York City's Spanish Harlem, Rochester, N.Y., Birmingham, Ala., and New Britain, Conn. (July 23).
  • Thurgood Marshall sworn in as first black US Supreme Court justice (Oct. 2).
  • Astronauts Col. Virgil I. Grissom, Col. Edward White II, and Lt. Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee killed in fire during test launch (Jan. 27).

Birthday Phil Demmel (2-4) in history

  • Day 2-4 year 1513: Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon first set foot on the Florida land he named.
  • Day 2-4 year 1792: Congress authorized the first U.S. mint, in Philadelphia.
  • Day 2-4 year 1865: Confederate president Jefferson Davis and most of his cabinet fled the Confederate capital of Richmond, Va.
  • Day 2-4 year 1870: Victoria Claflin Woodhull announced her candidacy for president of the United States.
  • Day 2-4 year 1917: President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany.
  • Day 2-4 year 1932: Charles Lindbergh paid a $50,000 ransom for the return of his kidnapped son.
  • Day 2-4 year 1982: Argentina seized the Falkland Islands from Britain
  • Day 2-4 year 2005: Pope John Paul II died.
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Note about Guitarist Phil Demmel

Phil Demmel infomation and profile updated by