Hair designer Duc Mark

Duc Mark

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 1-10-1989 (35 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1989: 64,77 millions

Global rank: #80439



Phone number: 0944 444 459

Hair designer Duc Mark profile

Who is Hair designer Duc Mark?
Hairstylist Duc Mark's real name is Nguyen Xuan Duc, he was born and raised in Hanoi. Currently, he is a professional hair stylist, the owner of Duc Mark Hair Institute, and at the same time he is also a creative inspiration for the young generation in Vietnam.
Before becoming a As a professional hairstylist today, no one would have guessed that he was once a famous young man in Hanoi, with a lavish and liberal lifestyle. He often changes hairstyles and hair colors according to his inspiration. Every time he goes to the hair salon and admires the skillful styling manipulations from the hairdressers, he feels very enthralled. And it was at that time that he dreamed that one day he would be the one to create beautiful, unique and strange hairstyles to satisfy the beauty needs of customers.
To make it a reality. That dream is also not an easy thing for a person who "gets bored like you". When the spirit was hot, he was determined to enroll and study for a 12-month hair training course but then he also got discouraged and after only 8 months he gave up. The thought that everything would stop there, but the passion for the hair profession is still burning in him. Therefore, once again, he was determined to pursue his career.
With enthusiasm and passion, Duc Mark initially asserted his talent and success gradually came to him. older brother. When he was just a beginner, Duc Mark also faced many difficulties, but with his talent, hard work, learning to improve his skills, along with his acumen, grasping customer psychology, he opened his own Salon. hair. His hair salon always attracts a lot of customers to experience and leave with absolute satisfaction.
Not only possessing skillful hands, Duc Mark also has a vision and acumen in his work. By grasping hair fashion trends, he has grown from a hair salon to the famous German Mark Hair Institute and won the hearts of thousands of customers and is the cradle to help many young people love the hair profession realize their passion. me.
Sharing a little more about his future plans, Duc Mark said that he is planning to open more branches to bring the hair fashion industry. everywhere, bringing good value to many people, creating many opportunities for vocational training and stable jobs.
Nguoinoitieng. tv wishes German hairstylist Mark to always be healthy and achieve much success in the field of hairstyling and training students that he is pursuing!

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Duc Mark profile

When was Hair designer Duc Mark born?
Duc Mark birthday 1-10-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is Hair designer Duc Mark's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Duc Mark was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Duc Mark's global rank is 80439 and whose rank is 12 in list of famous Hair designer. Population of Vietnam in 1989 is about 64,77 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Close-up of the handsome face of German hairstylist Mark
Close-up of the handsome face of German hairstylist Mark
Germany Mark is handsome and elegant
Germany Mark is handsome and elegant
German hair stylist Mark is handsome with a sunny smile
German hair stylist Mark is handsome with a sunny smile
German hairstylist Mark enthusiastically guides students
German hairstylist Mark enthusiastically guides students

Duc Mark ranking


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Events in 1989 and 1-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Duc Mark

  • US planes shoot down two Libyan fighters over international waters in Mediterranean (Jan. 4).
  • Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini declares author Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses offensive and sentences him to death (Feb. 14).
  • Tens of thousands of Chinese students take over Beijing's Tiananmen Square in rally for democracy (April 19 et seq.). More than one million in Beijing demonstrate for democracy; chaos spreads across nation (mid-May et seq.). Thousands killed in Tiananmen Square as Chinese leaders take hard line toward demonstrators (June 4 et seq.).
  • Mikhail S. Gorbachev named Soviet President (May 25).
  • P. W. Botha quits as South Africa's President (Aug. 14).
  • Deng Xiaoping resigns from China's leadership (Nov. 9).
  • After 28 years, Berlin Wall is open to West (Nov. 11).
  • Czech Parliament ends Communists' dominant role (Nov. 30).
  • Romanian uprising overthrows Communist government (Dec. 15 et seq.); President Ceausescu and wife executed (Dec. 25).
  • US troops invade Panama, seeking capture of General Manuel Noriega (Dec. 20).

Birthday Duc Mark (1-10) in history

  • Day 1-10 year 1800: Spain ceded Louisiana to France in the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso.
  • Day 1-10 year 1908: Henry Ford introduced the first mass-produced automobile on the market—the Model T car to the market. Each car cost $825.
  • Day 1-10 year 1936: General Francisco Franco became head of the insurgent Spanish government.
  • Day 1-10 year 1961: Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run of the season, breaking Babe Ruth's record of 60 set in 1927.
  • Day 1-10 year 1971: Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida.
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Note about Hair designer Duc Mark

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