Journalist David K. Shipler

David K. Shipler

Living place: Washington D.C

Birthday: 3-12-1942 (82 years old)

Global rank: #98700

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Journalist David K. Shipler profile

Who is Journalist David K. Shipler?
David K. Shipler is an American journalist and writer who gained notoriety when he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1987 after writing a book about Arabs and Jews titled "Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land" ". Besides, he is also the author of many other books such as:
  • Russia: Broken Idols, Solemn Dreams (1983)
  • A Country of Strangers (1997)
  • The Working Poor: Invisible in America (2004)
  • The Rights of the People: How Our Search for Safety Invades Our Liberties (2011)
  • Rights at Risk : The Limits of Liberty in Modern America (2012)
  • Freedom of Speech: Mightier Than the Sword (2015)
  • Russia Counter Display (1984)
  • Inside Israel: The Faiths, the People, and the Modern Conflicts of the World's Holiest Land universities such as Princeton University, American University, University of Southern California, .... and have articles published in electronic journals. In addition, during his career as a journalist, he won many awards, which are:
    • The Silurians Society Award of 1971
    • The Association of Principal Scientists Award President of the United States in 1971
    • Page One Award for Best Local Reporting of 1973
    • Long Island University's Polk George Award in Journalism 1983
    • Press Club Foreign Awards 1984
    • Press Club Awards 1989
    • ......

Young / Before famous

In 1964, Shipler graduated from Dartmouth College, after graduating he served in the United States Navy until 1966. He began his career in 1966 when he worked as a news officer for The New York Times. and officially became a city reporter in 1968. From 1973 to 1975, he worked as a reporter for the New York Times in Saigon, providing information on the wars in South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. , Thailand and Burma. After the war ended, he returned and spent a semester at Columbia University Russia studying Russian, Soviet politics, economics, and history in preparation for his mission in Moscow. He then worked as a reporter at the Times Moscow New York Bureau for four years and became Moscow bureau chief from 1977 to 1979.
From 1979 to 1984, Shipler served as the bureau chief of The New. York Times in Jerusalem. He spent a year as a visiting fellow at the Brooking Institution in Washington DC. Along with publishing a book about Arabs and Jews, he is also the executive producer and host of a documentary about Arabs and Jews on PBS.
Shipler has also served as a host. Chief diplomatic correspondent in the Washington Office of The New York Times until 1988. From 1988 to 1990, he was a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writing about the transition to democracy. owner in Russia and Eastern Europe for The New Yorker and other publications. He then served on the university board from 1993 to 2003.

Family life info

He grew up in Chatham, New Jersey. His father is Harold Isaacs - also a reporter and writer, professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He married teacher Deborah I. Shipler on September 17, 1966; they have three children that are Jonathan Robert, Laura Karr, Michael Edmund.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Journalist David K. Shipler?
He along with Thomas Friedman received the George Polk Prize in 1983.

Body measurements of

How tall is Journalist David K. Shipler? What David K. Shipler's weight?
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Summary of David K. Shipler profile

When was Journalist David K. Shipler born?
David K. Shipler birthday 3-12-1942 (at the age of 82).
Where is Journalist David K. Shipler's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
David K. Shipler was born in New Jersey, of United States. Mr working and living in Washington D.C, of United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. David K. Shipler's global rank is 98700 and whose rank is 616 in list of famous Journalist.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Journalist David K. Shipler
Portrait of Journalist David K. Shipler
 Journalist David K. Shipler - who was honored to receive the Pulitzer Prize
Journalist David K. Shipler - who was honored to receive the Pulitzer Prize
 Journalist David K. Shipler in his youth
Journalist David K. Shipler in his youth
 A picture of Journalist David K. Shipler
A picture of Journalist David K. Shipler
 David K. Shipler in one lecture
David K. Shipler in one lecture

David K. Shipler ranking


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Events in 1942 and 3-12

Events in the world in the birth year of David K. Shipler

  • Nazi leaders attend the Wannsee Conference to coordinate the "final solution to the Jewish question," the systematic genocide of Jews known as the Holocaust.
  • Declaration of United Nations is signed in Washington.

Birthday David K. Shipler (3-12) in history

  • Day 3-12 year 1818: Illinois became the 21st state in the United States.
  • Day 3-12 year 1833: Oberlin College in Ohio became the first coed institution of higher learning in the U.S.
  • Day 3-12 year 1910: Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science movement, died.
  • Day 3-12 year 1919: French painter and sculptor Pierre A. Renoir died at age 78.
  • Day 3-12 year 1967: Dr. Christiaan N. Barnard performed the world's first successful human heart transplant.
  • Day 3-12 year 1984: A cloud of deadly poison gas leaked from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing over 4,000 people.
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