Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom

Nguyen Anh Thom

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 8-9-1977 (47 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1977: 50,3 millions

Global rank: #4069


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Phone number: 0914 201 111

Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom profile

Who is Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom?
Nguyen Anh Thom (Head of Nguyen Anh Law Office, Hanoi Bar Association) is a good and reputable lawyer, specializing in receiving and participating in many especially serious criminal cases. Lawyers always strive towards the value of life for justice, social justice and humanity. Attorney Thom has many years of litigation experience and is the legal representative of many families whose children have been abused and abused.
Every year, lawyer Thom participates in hundreds of complex criminal cases. In the past 20 years, particularly serious criminal cases that have caused public outrage have all involved lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom.
Lawyer who studied for a bachelor's degree in Economic Law at Hanoi Law University, majoring in Business Administration at the University of Commerce. In 2019, lawyer Thom studied Master of Law at the Academy of Social Sciences - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.
As a lawyer, he always thinks about protecting justice, protecting the truth, not changing justice or the truth for anything. Carrying on the mission of protecting justice, lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom always diligently studies each page of records, goes to the scene, collects evidence to find a valid basis to protect his client. During two decades of practicing law, he has provided free legal aid to many vulnerable people in society such as: children, victims of domestic violence, victims of abuse... Those cases No matter where it happens in all parts of the country, lawyers are always present, regardless of the remote and dangerous roads.
With the desire to contribute to bringing good things to society, lawyers not only participate in free legal assistance but also help families in difficult circumstances, calling for help from the community. .

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Summary of Nguyen Anh Thom profile

When was Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom born?
Nguyen Anh Thom birthday 8-9-1977 (at the age of 47).
Where is Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Anh Thom was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Nguyen Anh Thom's global rank is 4069 and whose rank is 3 in list of famous Lawyer. Population of Vietnam in 1977 is about 50,3 millions persons.
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Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom provides free legal assistance to many vulnerable people
Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom provides free legal assistance to many vulnerable people
Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom specializes in handling serious criminal cases
Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom specializes in handling serious criminal cases
Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom participates in defending many cases
Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom participates in defending many cases

Nguyen Anh Thom ranking


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Events in 1977 and 8-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Anh Thom

  • Deng Xiaoping, purged Chinese leader, restored to power as Gang of Four is expelled from Communist Party (July 22).
  • South African activist Steve Biko dies in police custody (Sept. 12).
  • Nuclear-proliferation pact, curbing spread of nuclear weapons, is signed by 15 countries, including US and USSR (Sept. 21). Background: nuclear disarmament

Birthday Nguyen Anh Thom (8-9) in history

  • Day 8-9 year 1900: A hurricane struck Galveston, Texas, killing about 8,000 people.
  • Day 8-9 year 1935: Louisiana Senator Huey P. Long, "The Kingfish," was shot and mortally wounded by Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, Jr.
  • Day 8-9 year 1951: The San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed, formally ending World War II hostilities with Japan.
  • Day 8-9 year 1952: Ernest Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea was published.
  • Day 8-9 year 1966: Star Trek premiered on television.
  • Day 8-9 year 1974: President Gerald Ford gave former President Nixon a full pardon for all federal crimes he may have committed while he was in office.
  • Day 8-9 year 1998: Mark McGwire's 62nd home run broke Roger Maris's record of 61 homers set in 1961.
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