Literator Le Tri Ky

Le Tri Ky

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 14-6-1924

Global rank: #85938

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Literator Le Tri Ky profile

Who is Literator Le Tri Ky?
Writer Le Tri Ky real name is Nguyen Duy Hinh, born in Luong Kim, Trieu An commune, Trieu Phong district, Quang Tri province.
He is a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Member of Vietnam Writers Association.
He died on May 8, 1993 in Hanoi.
* Awards:
  • Award of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Vietnam Writers' Association in 1995 for the collection of stories "Neither good nor evil".
  • Award of the Literary Council on the Revolutionary War and Armed Forces of the Writers' Union in 1994 for the volume. story "Love of the century".
* Typical works:
  • The green banyan tree (story, 1961);
  • An unknown person (story, 1970);
  • Summer day's seas (theatrical script, 1976);
  • Untitled Valley (screenplay, 1971);
  • Politics Club (novel, 2 volumes, 1986);
  • The Love of the Century (collection of stories, 1992, ed. 1994);
  • The perpetrator of the On Nhu Hau case (the chronicle, 1960);
  • Empty Streets (collection of stories, 1965);
  • Stranger land (screenplay, 1971);
  • Silent Voices (story, 1978);
  • Living in the depths (collection of short stories, 1984);
  • Neither good nor evil (collection, 1988);
  • Short stories of Le Tri Ky (anthology, 1995).

Young / Before famous

  • After 1945, he worked in the commune committee.
  • In 1946, he worked as the youth secretary for national salvation in Gio Linh district, then worked in the central and provincial public security for many years.
  • He used to be a colonel and deputy director of the People's Public Security Publishing House until he retired.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Literator Le Tri Ky?

Body measurements of

How tall is Literator Le Tri Ky? What Le Tri Ky's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Le Tri Ky profile

When was Literator Le Tri Ky born?
Le Tri Ky was born in 14-6-1924, death day is 08/05/1993, at the age of 69.
Where is Literator Le Tri Ky's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Le Tri Ky was born in Quang Tri, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Le Tri Ky's global rank is 85938 and whose rank is 175 in list of famous Literator.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1924 and 14-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Le Tri Ky

  • Death of Lenin; Stalin wins power struggle, rules as Soviet dictator until death in 1953.
  • Italian Fascists murder Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti.
  • Ottoman empire (founded 1290) ends when Turkish president Mustafa Kemal ends the caliphate.

Birthday Le Tri Ky (14-6) in history

  • Day 14-6 year 1775: The United States Army is established.
  • Day 14-6 year 1777: The Continental Congress has officially chosen the leaf of the United States with 50 stars and 13 stripes.
  • Day 14-6 year 1922: Warren Harding became the first president to be heard on the radio.
  • Day 14-6 year 1940: German troops entered Paris. The Nazis opened the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.
  • Day 14-6 year 1951: The first commercial computer, Univac I, was unveiled.
  • Day 14-6 year 1954: President Eisenhower signed the order inserting the words "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Day 14-6 year 1982: Argentine forces surrendered to British troops on the Falkland Islands.
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Note about Literator Le Tri Ky

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