Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac

A Chong Tay Bac

Living place: Lao Cai

Birthday: ?-?-1988 (36 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1988: 63,26 millions

Global rank: #3999



Phone number: 0816 424 888

Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac profile

Who is Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac?
A Chong Tay Bac is a TikToker of the mountains and forests, actively promoting the beauty of highland culture. A Chong's videos mainly revolve around the cuisine and daily life of the Northwest highland people. Through his rustic footage, the images of the Northwest mountains and forests appear majestic and attractive. Viewers watching the channel also learn more about the customs and lives of the people where he lives.
A Chong contributes to bringing traditional culture across mountains with TikTok. There is nothing more real and vivid than the videos a highlander uploads every day. Currently, the TikTok channel sharing cuisine and experiencing daily life in the village (@achongtaybac) has more than 210,000 followers and more than 2.3 million likes. His fanpage also has more than 120,00 followers. Many audiences are extremely interested in the strange things about life in the Northwest mountains and forests. He worked hard, worked hard to find content and tinker with editing to bring the audience quality movies.
Life in the highlands through A Chong's movies is hard, but very peaceful, making everyone admire him. Every day, A Chong still diligently records authentic footage to promote tourism, cuisine, culture and people of the Northwest.
The attractive voice is what helps A Chong hold on. audience from the first seconds. In particular, he also possesses a very good voice. During livestream sessions, A Chong often sang for the audience and received many compliments.
Currently, A Chong is taking advantage of the strength of social networks to sell products: Northwest forest liver cool tea, weight loss tea, anti-itch cream...

Family life info

Previously, the happy life of A Chong's family and famous TikToker Vuong Ngoc Thao is admired by many people. Every day, he goes to the fields to work, while his wife stays home to prepare delicious dishes and enjoy them together happily. But recently, the two no longer live together, making many viewers regret. Many people still hope that one day the two will be reunited. Currently, A Chong is the one raising her daughter.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac?

Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac? What A Chong Tay Bac's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of A Chong Tay Bac profile

When was Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac born?
A Chong Tay Bac birthday ?-?-1988 (at the age of 36).
Where is Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
A Chong Tay Bac was born in Lao Cai, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. A Chong Tay Bac's global rank is 3999 and whose rank is 296 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1988 is about 63,26 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

TikToker A Chong Tay Bac shares the lives of highland people
TikToker A Chong Tay Bac shares the lives of highland people
TikToker A Chong Tay Bac and his daughter
TikToker A Chong Tay Bac and his daughter
TikToker A Chong Tay Bac is selling cool liver tea
TikToker A Chong Tay Bac is selling cool liver tea

A Chong Tay Bac ranking


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Events in 1988 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of A Chong Tay Bac

  • US and Canada reach free trade agreement (Jan. 2). Background: NAFTA
  • Terrorists kill nine tourists on Aegean cruise (July 11).
  • Benazir Bhutto, first Islamic woman prime minister, chosen to lead Pakistan (Dec. 1).
  • Pan-Am 747 explodes from terrorist bomb and crashes in Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on ground (Dec. 21).
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Note about Only Toker A Chong Tay Bac

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