Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho

Hieu Hay Ho

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 18-3-2002 (22 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2002: 79,54 millions

Global rank: #93978


Phone number: 0327 356 255

Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho profile

Who is Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho?
Hieu Hay Ho, whose real name is Nguyen Minh Hieu, is a Tiktoker with a passion for skincare. This 2K guy is currently a student at the Academy of Journalism and Communication. Hieu's Tiktok channel @hatdecuoahihi currently has more than 378 thousand followers and 7 million likes. Although he has just joined Tiktok not long ago, Hieu Hay Ho has already gained a huge number of followers, which shows that this handsome guy has a charm that is not light. As a follower of skincare, perhaps no one does not know about Hieu Hay Ho.
Compared to the time when I first started my channel, Minh Hieu is now very diverse in content. He not only makes clips about singing, dancing, hosting MCs but also being loved by reviews of skincare, haircare, and beauty products. Possessing a foreign student, handsome, charming smile, Hieu has made many women fall in love. Hieu's clips have received high hearts. The clip sharing about how to take care of his hair has attracted nearly 2 million views. In recent years, Tiktok has become a social platform that attracts a huge number of users. Many young people have found that Tiktok is an opportunity to dream of a new direction of development. And in fact, there are many young banks today who have become famous for creating content on social platforms. Choosing the topic of beauty care, Hieu Hay Ho is not afraid of being inferior to his seniors. And indeed, Hieu's channel has a strange charm. He is receiving more and more attention from the online community.
In the clips posted on his Tiktok channel, Hieu shared about his life cycle. My skin care routine includes face wash, toner, serum, toner. Hieu's skin care steps are very simple but very sophisticated. Toner in two different steps, the guy chooses two different products. As for serums, he uses different types depending on weather conditions. But it is also because of careful skin care that Hieu has a beautiful skin. This 2K guy always receives many compliments about his appearance and especially his beautiful skin.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho? What Hieu Hay Ho's weight?
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Weight: updating
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Summary of Hieu Hay Ho profile

When was Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho born?
Hieu Hay Ho birthday 18-3-2002 (at the age of 22).
Where is Only Toker Hieu Hay Ho's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hieu Hay Ho was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Hieu Hay Ho's global rank is 93978 and whose rank is 1028 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 2002 is about 79,54 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho
Portrait photo of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho
Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho creating content on the topic of skincare
Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho creating content on the topic of skincare
Picture of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho as MC
Picture of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho as MC
New photo of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho
New photo of Tiktoker Hieu Hay Ho

Hieu Hay Ho ranking


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Events in 2002 and 18-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Hieu Hay Ho

  • Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic’s trial on charges of crimes against humanity opens at The Hague (Feb. 12).
  • Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government sign a cease-fire agreement, ending 19 years of civil war (Feb. 22). Background: World in Review
  • India's worst Hindu-Muslim violence in a decade rocked the state of Gujarat after a Muslim mob fire-bombed a train, killing Hindu activists. Hindus retaliated, and more than 1,000 died in the bloodshed (Feb. 27 et seq.). Background: World in Review
  • U.S. and Afghan troops launch Operation Anaconda against remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan (March 2). Background: Taliban Timeline and Afghanistan
  • Israeli tanks and warplanes attack West Bank towns of Nablus, Jenin, Bethlehem, and others in response to string of Palestinian suicide attacks (March 29–April 21). In the first three months of 2002, 14 suicide bombers kill dozens of Israeli civilians, and wounded hundreds. Background: World in Review
  • International Criminal Court wins UN ratification; U.S. refuses to ratify (April 11).
  • Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez ousted in coup, then reinstated (April 12, 14).
  • U.S. and Russia reach landmark arms agreement to cut both countries' nuclear arsenals by up to two-thirds over the next 10 years (May 13).
  • East Timor becomes a new nation (May 20).
  • Terrorist bomb in Bali kills hundreds (Oct. 12).
  • Government suspended in Northern Ireland in protest of suspected IRA spy ring (Oct. 14).
  • North Korea admits to developing nuclear arms in defiance of treaty (Oct. 16).
  • Chechen rebels take 763 hostages in Moscow theater (Oct. 23). Russian authorities release a gas into theater, killing 116 hostages and freeing remainder (Oct. 26). Background: Chechnya Timeline
  • China's Jiang Zemin officially retires as general secretary; Hu Jintao named as his successor (Nov. 14).
  • UN Security Council passes unanimous resolution calling on Iraq to disarm or else face "serious consequences." (Nov. 8).
  • UN arms inspectors return to Iraq (Nov. 18).

Birthday Hieu Hay Ho (18-3) in history

  • Day 18-3 year 1584: Russian tsar Ivan IV, or "Ivan, the tyrant", died in Moscow, Russia, at 53.
  • Day 18-3 year 1766: Britain repealed the American Colonial Stamp Act after months of protests from the Americans.
  • Day 18-3 year 1925: The most violent single tornado in U.S. history, the “Tri-State Tornado,” hit Missouri, Indiana, and Illinois, killing 689 people and injuring 13,000 others.
  • Day 18-3 year 1963: The Supreme Court held in Gideon v. Wainwright that public defenders must be provided for indigent defendants in felony cases.
  • Day 18-3 year 1965: Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov made the first spacewalk.
  • Day 18-3 year 1967: The oil tanker Torrey Canyon was wrecked off the Cornish coast of England, spilling 919,000 barrels of oil into the sea.
  • Day 18-3 year 1990: The biggest art theft in U.S. history occurs at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. The works, including pieces by Vermeer and Rembrandt, were never recovered.
  • Day 18-3 year 2004: A small asteroid made the closest approach to Earth ever recorded, only about 26,500 miles away.
  • Day 18-3 year 2005: After a long legal battle, Terry Schiavo's feeding tube was removed. She died 13 days later.
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