Painter Otto Dix

Image of Otto Dix #

Otto Dix

Living place: Germany

Birthday: 2-12-1891

Global rank: #60840

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Painter Otto Dix profile

Who is Painter Otto Dix?
Painter and printmaker known for "Stormtroopers Going Under the Gas" and other works that were exposed to the harsh realities of war. He was featured in Neue Sachlichkeit.
He was fired from his teaching position at the Dresden Academy after the Nazis came to power and denounced his artwork as degenerate.

Young / Before famous

He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden and later served in World War I. He began painting landscapes while apprenticing with Carl Senff from 1906 to 1910.

Family life info

His father, Franz, was an iron foundry worker and his mother, Louise Dix, was a seamstress and amateur poet. He fathered two sons - Ursus and Jan -. And a daughter, Nelly

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Painter Otto Dix?
He was forced by Adolf Hitler's fascist regime to paint only benign landscapes; Nevertheless, he continued to create allegorical works that subtly denounced fascism.

Body measurements of

How tall is Painter Otto Dix? What Otto Dix's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Otto Dix profile

When was Painter Otto Dix born?
Otto Dix was born in 2-12-1891, death year is , at the age of 133.
Where is Painter Otto Dix's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Otto Dix was born in Germany. is a Painter, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Otto Dix's global rank is 60840 and whose rank is 195 in list of famous Painter.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1891 and 2-12

Birthday Otto Dix (2-12) in history

  • Day 2-12 year 1804: Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Emperor of France in Paris.
  • Day 2-12 year 1823: President James Monroe outlined his famous doctrine opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Day 2-12 year 1859: Abolitionist John Brown was hanged for his raid on Harper's Ferry.
  • Day 2-12 year 1942: The first controlled nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated at the University of Chicago.
  • Day 2-12 year 1954: The Senate voted to condemn Republican senator Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin for "conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute."
  • Day 2-12 year 1970: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established.
  • Day 2-12 year 1982: Barney B. Clark became the first person to receive an artificial heart in a transplant operation.
  • Day 2-12 year 1988: Benazir Bhutto was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, becoming the first woman to head an Muslim nation.
  • Day 2-12 year 1990: Composer Aaron Copland died at age 90.
  • Day 2-12 year 1999: A Protestant and Catholic cabinet convened for the first time in Northern Ireland.
  • Day 2-12 year 2001: Enron Corp., under CEO Kenneth Lay, filed for bankruptcy.
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Note about Painter Otto Dix

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