Patinian artist Amy Peterson

Amy Peterson

Living place: Minnesota

Birthday: 29-11-1971 (53 years old)

Population of US 1971: 207,660,677

Global rank: #79136

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Patinian artist Amy Peterson profile

Who is Patinian artist Amy Peterson?
Short track speed skater who was known to compete in the next year of the Olympic Games from 1988 to 2002.
She won a silver medal in the 3000 meter torch relay at 1992 Albertville Olympic Games, and two bronze medals: one in the 500 meters and the other in the 3000 meter relay, at the 1994 Lillehammer games.

Young / Before famous

She attended Johnson Senior High School in Saint Paul and upon graduating in 1990.

Family life info

She is the granddaughter of Gene Sandvig, who competed for the United States in the 1952 and 1956 Winter Olympics in the long track speed skating rink.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Patinian artist Amy Peterson là ai?
She and figure skater Nancy Kerrigan both won medals for the United States in the 1994 Olympic Games.

Body measurements of

How tall is Patinian artist Amy Peterson? What Amy Peterson's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Amy Peterson profile

When was Patinian artist Amy Peterson born?
Amy Peterson birthday 29-11-1971 (at the age of 53).
Where is Patinian artist Amy Peterson's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Amy Peterson was born in Minnesota, . Là Patinian artist, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Amy Peterson's global rank is 79136 and whose rank is 35 in list of famous Patinian artist. Population of US in 1971 is about 207,660,677 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1971 and 29-11

Events in US in the birth year of Amy Peterson

  • US Supreme Court rules unanimously that busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation (April 20).
  • Anti-war militants attempt to disrupt government business in Washington (May 3)—police and military units arrest as many as 12,000; most are later released.
  • Pentagon Papers published (June 13).
  • Twenty-sixth Amendment to US Constitution lowers voting age to 18. (June 30).

Birthday Amy Peterson (29-11) in history

  • Day 29-11 year 1924: Italian composer Giacomo Puccini died in Brussels before he could complete his opera "Turandot.'"
  • Day 29-11 year 1929: Commander Richard E. Byrd and a crew of three became the first to fly over the South Pole.
  • Day 29-11 year 1947: The United Nations voted to grant the Jewish people a homeland to be established in Palestine.
  • Day 29-11 year 1963: President Johnson named a commission headed by Earl Warren to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy.
  • Day 29-11 year 1986: Actor Cary Grant died in Davenport, Iowa, at age 82.
  • Day 29-11 year 2001: Beatle George Harrison died of cancer.
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Famous people born in 29-11-1971

Note about Patinian artist Amy Peterson

Amy Peterson infomation and profile updated by