Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc

Nguyen Duy Thuc

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1990 (34 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1990: 66,02 millions

Global rank: #5398



Phone number: 0973 551 940

Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc profile

Who is Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc?
MSc. Doctor Nguyen Duy Thuc is a passionate physician and has many contributions to medicine. He studied at Hanoi University of Pharmacy for 5 years, studied for a Master's degree for 2 years just to research drugs and active ingredients, and has 14 years of consulting experience so patients can completely rest assured. Besides, pharmacist Duy Thuc also studies tirelessly, always updating new knowledge every day. Although busy with work, MSc. DS Nguyen Duy Thuc still spends time doing scientific research and participating in scientific conferences...
Currently, he is the owner of the Pharmacy University Pharmacy System, founder of the Pharmacy training class Doctor and Professional Pharmacy Developer, President of Connected Pharmacy Club, founder of the PRO Prescribing class. His pharmacy system helps patients find enough medicine according to doctor's prescriptions, and sends them directly to patients in remote provinces. He also spent time giving free drug consultation to many people.
MSc. DS Duy Thuc regularly shares medical knowledge and information about drugs on social networks. This is an easily accessible channel, not only patients but anyone can interact with him. In recent years, he has been diligently writing and filming videos to share medical knowledge with the community. He shares the content in the easiest way so everyone can understand. Even though we don't have much time, MSc. DS Duy Thuc still tries to answer and advise as many people as possible. Facebook and TikTok bring Pharmacist Duy Thuc closer to patients. TikTok channel of MSc. DS Duy Tac has nearly 350,000 with more than 10 million likes, Fanpage has nearly 100,000 followers.
MSc. Doctor Nguyen Duy Thuc helps people better understand disease symptoms and uses of drugs. As a pharmacist, he knows the side effects of drugs, so he always tries to let patients use as little as possible. When drug abuse and dependence cause metabolic imbalance, the immune system's response is lowered, hindering its ability to heal itself and causing degenerative diseases.
As a pharmacist, he doesn't want anyone to have to take medicine. He shares a lot of useful knowledge so that people can have a healthy lifestyle, take better care of their health and protect their health.

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Summary of Nguyen Duy Thuc profile

When was Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc born?
Nguyen Duy Thuc birthday ?-?-1990 (at the age of 34).
Where is Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Duy Thuc was born in Bac Ninh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Nguyen Duy Thuc's global rank is 5398 and whose rank is 3 in list of famous Pharmacist. Population of Vietnam in 1990 is about 66,02 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

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Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc is famous on social networks
Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc is famous on social networks
Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc is the owner of the University of Pharmacy pharmacy system
Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc is the owner of the University of Pharmacy pharmacy system
Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc graduated from Hanoi University of Pharmacy
Pharmacist Nguyen Duy Thuc graduated from Hanoi University of Pharmacy

Nguyen Duy Thuc ranking


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Events in 1990 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Duy Thuc

  • General Manuel Noriega surrenders in Panama (Jan. 3).
  • Yugoslav Communists end 45-year monopoly of power (Jan. 22).
  • Communist Party relinquish sole power in Soviet government (Feb. 7). Background: Dissolution of the USSR
  • South Africa frees Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27½ years (Feb. 11).
  • US-Soviet summit reaches accord on armaments (June 1).
  • Western Alliance ends Cold War and proposes joint action with Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (July 6).
  • Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.). Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • East and West Germany reunited (Aug. 31 et seq.).
  • Margaret Thatcher resigns as British Prime Minister (Nov. 22); John Major succeeds her (Nov. 28).
  • Lech Walesa wins Poland's runoff Presidential election (Dec. 9).
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