Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh

Tran Bui Ngoc Minh

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 16-5-1998 (26 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1998: 75,46 millions

Global rank: #4058



Phone number: updating

Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh profile

Who is Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh?
Tran Bui Ngoc Minh, born in 1998, graduated from university. She is currently studying for a master's degree in human resource management. It is known that she is currently living in Hanoi, her current job is a kol, a photo model… She also added: “I like and am passionate about this job. Because I get to interact with a lot of brothers and sisters in the profession and it's also my hobby”.
Not only has the advantage of beauty, she also has a standard body with only the best charisma that many people have. many girls dream. Perhaps it is because of her beautiful and lovely appearance that she always occupies the spotlight in the pictures she posts.
In order to have the current success, Ngoc Minh had to put in all her efforts. When she first entered the profession, she also faced some difficulties. The first is from his family side. She shared: "Because my family is quite strict, I follow the sexy side a bit. So my family was strongly against it. But after that, my parents also opened up and let me live according to my preferences.” She also said that when pursuing a sexy image, she also encountered some rude situations. But she ignored the bad gossip about her.
With her efforts, now Tran Bui Ngoc Minh gradually asserted her name. She also has new strides in the future. In addition, she also wants people to consider "sexy does not mean bad". Sexy role models aren't all bad. It's just the way they choose for their own direction.
The concept of life is the most important thing for every human being towards success. For Ngoc Minh, Life is an interesting series of colors with all levels of emotions. When I live a good life, everything will come to me the way I deserve it. Don't stumble in front of life, that's very good. But it's better to fall and then get up and go up.
For Tran Bui Ngoc Minh, it's something she won't give up on trying to keep trying. But now she is still studying for graduate school. Therefore, she will complete her studies to achieve the best results. We hope to see a new look of her in the not too distant future.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh? What Tran Bui Ngoc Minh's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Tran Bui Ngoc Minh profile

When was Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh born?
Tran Bui Ngoc Minh birthday 16-5-1998 (at the age of 26).
Where is Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Bui Ngoc Minh was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Tran Bui Ngoc Minh's global rank is 4058 and whose rank is 26 in list of famous Photo model. Population of Vietnam in 1998 is about 75,46 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh
Portrait of photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh
Ngoc Minh owns a beautiful and charming beauty
Ngoc Minh owns a beautiful and charming beauty
Tran Bui Ngoc Minh - Potential young female model
Tran Bui Ngoc Minh - Potential young female model
She has many ambitions in her 9X model
She has many ambitions in her 9X model

Tran Bui Ngoc Minh ranking


Nhi 19/07/22 0:08

Nhi 19/07/22 0:08

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Events in 1998 and 16-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Tran Bui Ngoc Minh

  • Serbs battle ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (March 5 et seq.). Serbs renew attack on Kosovo rebels (June 1). NATO, on verge of air strikes, reaches settlement with Milosevic on Kosovo (Oct. 12).
  • Good Friday Accord is reached in Northern Ireland (April 10). Irish Parliament backs peace agreement (April 22). Background: N. Ireland Peace Negotiations
  • Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3).
  • India conducts three atomic tests despite worldwide disapproval (May 11, 13). Pakistan stages five nuclear tests in response (May 29, 30).
  • Indonesian dictator Suharto steps down after 32 years in power (May 21).
  • Iraq ends cooperation with UN arms inspectors (Aug. 5). Clinton orders air strikes (Dec. 16–19).
  • US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed (Aug. 7). US cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan (Aug. 20).
  • Russia fights to avert financial collapse (Aug. 17).
  • Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet arrested in London (Oct. 16).
  • Wye Mills Agreement between Netanyahu and Arafat moves Middle East peace talks forward (Oct. 23). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations

Birthday Tran Bui Ngoc Minh (16-5) in history

  • Day 16-5 year 1770: Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI, who later became king of France.
  • Day 16-5 year 1868: The first ballot on one of 11 articles of impeachment in the U.S. Senate failed to convict President Andrew Johnson.
  • Day 16-5 year 1929: The first Academy Awards were given on this night. The term, Oscars, was not used to describe the statuettes given to actors and actresses until 1931.
  • Day 16-5 year 1946: The Irving Berlin musical, Annie Get Your Gun, opened on Broadway.
  • Day 16-5 year 1975: Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to summit Mount Everest.
  • Day 16-5 year 1991: Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to address the United States Congress.
  • Day 16-5 year 1997: President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire ended 32 years of autocratic rule when rebel forces led by Laurent Kabila expelled him from the country.
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Note about Photo model Tran Bui Ngoc Minh

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