Pianist Leo Podolsky

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Leo Podolsky

Living place: Ukraine

Birthday: 25-5-1894

Global rank: #86384

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Pianist Leo Podolsky profile

Who is Pianist Leo Podolsky?
Classical and educational musicians of high repute. He headed the music department at Notre Dame, Saint Mary's College Indiana for 18 years.
He served in the Russian army during World War I and organized a tour 426 Brand Asia and the Pacific.

Young / Before famous

He was a student at the Cracow Institute and the Vienna Academy of Music.

Family life info

He moved to Burbank, California, in 1983 after his second wife died.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Pianist Leo Podolsky?
He won the Anton Rubinstein and Franz Liszt Awards while studying at the Vienna Academy of Music.

Body measurements of

How tall is Pianist Leo Podolsky? What Leo Podolsky's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Leo Podolsky profile

When was Pianist Leo Podolsky born?
Leo Podolsky was born in 25-5-1894, death year is , at the age of 130.
Where is Pianist Leo Podolsky's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Leo Podolsky was born in . is a Pianist, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Leo Podolsky's global rank is 86384 and whose rank is 558 in list of famous Pianist.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1894 and 25-5

Birthday Leo Podolsky (25-5) in history

  • Day 25-5 year 1787: The Constitutional Convention convened in Philadelphia under the leadership of George Washington, in order to establish a new U.S. government.
  • Day 25-5 year 1925: John Scopes was indicted for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • Day 25-5 year 1935: American track star Jesse Owens broke three world records and tied another in a little over an hour.
  • Day 25-5 year 1965: Muhammad Ali knocked Sonny Liston out cold in the first round, after 1 minute and 56 seconds, for the world heavyweight title.
  • Day 25-5 year 1968: The Gateway Arch was dedicated in St. Louis.
  • Day 25-5 year 1969: Midnight Cowboy, the only x-rated film to win a best picture Oscar, was released.
  • Day 25-5 year 1979: The worst air disaster in U.S. history (excluding the Sept. 11 attacks) occurred when a DC-10 crashed at Chicago's O'Hare airport, killing over 270 people.
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Note about Pianist Leo Podolsky

Leo Podolsky infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.