Religion maker Nikanor Grujic

Nikanor Grujic

Living place: Hungary

Birthday: 12-12-1810

Global rank: #64960

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Religion maker Nikanor Grujic profile

Who is Religion maker Nikanor Grujic?
A nineteenth-century author and religious figure, he is known for literary works such as The Epic of Saint Sabbas and The Opposition of Nikanor Grujic. He published an autobiography in 1907.
His birth name was Milutin Grujic; he adopted the name Nikanor after taking the vows of the monastery.

Young / Before famous

He studied at the Serbian Orthodox Seminary.

Family life info

He was born in Lippo to Agripina Kosic and Reverend Prokopije Grujic and has an older brother, Dragutin, who also entered the priesthood.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Religion maker Nikanor Grujic?
He, like George Cosbuc, was an Eastern European poet and author.

Body measurements of

How tall is Religion maker Nikanor Grujic? What Nikanor Grujic's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Nikanor Grujic profile

When was Religion maker Nikanor Grujic born?
Nikanor Grujic was born in 12-12-1810, death year is , at the age of 214.
Where is Religion maker Nikanor Grujic's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nikanor Grujic was born in . is a Religion maker, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Nikanor Grujic's global rank is 64960 and whose rank is 12 in list of famous Religion maker.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1810 and 12-12

Birthday Nikanor Grujic (12-12) in history

  • Day 12-12 year 1787: Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
  • Day 12-12 year 1870: Joseph Rainey took his seat as the first African American in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Day 12-12 year 1913: The Mona Lisa was recovered in Florence after having been stolen two years earlier (August 1911) from the Louvre.
  • Day 12-12 year 1963: Kenya gained its independence from Britain.
  • Day 12-12 year 1998: The House Judiciary Committee approved a fourth and final article of impeachment against President Clinton.
  • Day 12-12 year 2000: The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the presidential election recount in Florida.
  • Day 12-12 year 2001: Yasir Arafat closed the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
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Note about Religion maker Nikanor Grujic

Nikanor Grujic infomation and profile updated by