Rugby athlete Reece Williams

Reece Williams

Living place: Sydney

Birthday: 21-9-1985 (39 years old)

Population of the world 1985: 4.850 billions

Global rank: #53520

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Rugby athlete Reece Williams profile

Who is Rugby athlete Reece Williams?
Second row player from 2003-2009 for Cronulla Sharks.
He has made an international appearance, for the city of origin.

Young / Before famous

He attended Endeavor Sports High School on a scholarship.

Family life info

He was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Rugby athlete Reece Williams?
He is one of the notable players to play Cronulla, joining stars like Jason Ferris.

Body measurements of

How tall is Rugby athlete Reece Williams? What Reece Williams's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Reece Williams profile

When was Rugby athlete Reece Williams born?
Reece Williams birthday 21-9-1985 (at the age of 39).
Where is Rugby athlete Reece Williams's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Reece Williams was born in Sydney, of Australia. is a Rugby athlete, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Reece Williams's global rank is 53520 and whose rank is 238 in list of famous Rugby athlete. Population of the world in 1985 is about 4.850 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1985 and 21-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Reece Williams

  • Soviet leader Chernenko dies at 73 and is replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev, 54 (March 11). Under the slogans of glasnost and Perestroika, Gorbachev initiates a broad program of reform and liberalization. Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Two Shi'ite Muslim gunmen capture TWA airliner with 133 aboard, 104 of them Americans (June 14); 39 remaining hostages freed in Beirut (June 30).
  • PLO terrorists hijack Achille Lauro, Italian cruise ship, with 80 passengers, plus crew (Oct. 7); American, Leon Klinghoffer, killed (Oct. 8); Italian government toppled by political crisis over hijacking (Oct. 16).
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet at summit (Nov. 19); agree to step up arms control talks and renew cultural contacts (Nov. 21). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Terrorists seize Egyptian Boeing 737 airliner after takeoff from Athens (Nov. 23); 59 dead as Egyptian forces storm plane on Malta (Nov. 24).

Birthday Reece Williams (21-9) in history

  • Day 21-9 year 1792: The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy.
  • Day 21-9 year 1897: The New York Sun published its famous editorial, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
  • Day 21-9 year 1937: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein was first published.
  • Day 21-9 year 1938: A hurricane struck New York and New England with extensive damage and more than 600 deaths.
  • Day 21-9 year 1949: The People's Republic of China was proclaimed.
  • Day 21-9 year 1964: Malta gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Day 21-9 year 1981: Belize gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Day 21-9 year 1996: John F. Kennedy, Jr., married Carolyn Bessette.
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Note about Rugby athlete Reece Williams

Reece Williams infomation and profile updated by