Singer Passenger

Image of Passenger #


Living place: Brighton

Birthday: 17-5-1984 (40 years old)

Population of the world 1984: 4.769 billions

Global rank: #1753


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Singer Passenger profile

Who is Singer Passenger?
Passenger (real name Michael David Rosenberg) is an English singer and songwriter. The folk singer started with the band Passenger from 2003-2009. After the band disbanded, Michael continued his solo career, still keeping the name Passenger.
The guy with curly hair and a guitar in his hand conquered the world with gentle hits. Passenger made people realize that fame isn't everything, and rankings and media hype can't replace the daily feeling of freedom. Passenger is like a passenger of life singing his song, satisfied to bring his voice to everyone.
The song "Let her go" in the album "All the little lights" cult brought Passenger's name from anonymous to worldwide phenomenon. The lyrics are poetic and smooth like country music, "Let her go" expresses the regret of people when they lose the person they love. "Let her go" has topped many music charts in many countries around the world. The single sold one million copies in the UK and 4 million copies in the US. To date, "Let her go" has more than 1.7 billion views on Youtube. A folk star, Passenger toured the UK, Australia, New Zealand and North America. Flashing into a star, Passenger still kept the peace of his quiet life.
In 2014, Passenger released Whisper I, and continued to release Whisper II in April 2015. The album cover is like an old book or coloring book. Whisper I is a picture of a girl whispering to a boy sitting on a bench. Whisper II is an image of an old man whispering in the ear of an old woman who is also sitting on a bench. The facial expressions of the characters in the two paintings are fresh, showing the pair of characters from small to old who are always together.
Passenger's following songs did not overcome the huge shadow of "Let her go", which was not well known to the public. It is also possible that the audience is reeling on the vibrant EDM electronic music charts. Without color, Passenger diligently produced songs praising poetic love. It can be said that Passenger is revitalizing folk music in the midst of a bustling music market.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Singer Passenger?
Passenger and Ed Sheeran are best friends both in real life and in music. The two have similar musical qualities. The audience easily noticed the resonance in the two's music.

Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Passenger? What Passenger's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Passenger profile

When was Singer Passenger born?
Passenger birthday 17-5-1984 (at the age of 40).
Where is Singer Passenger's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Passenger was born in Brighton, of England. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Passenger's global rank is 1753 and whose rank is 217 in list of famous Singer. Population of the world in 1984 is about 4.769 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

World famous singer Passenger
World famous singer Passenger
Passenger singer conquers the world with gentle music
Passenger singer conquers the world with gentle music
Passenger singer is famous for the song Let her go
Passenger singer is famous for the song Let her go

Passenger ranking


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Events in 1984 and 17-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Passenger

  • Syria frees captured US Navy pilot, Lieut. Robert C. Goodman, Jr. (Jan. 3).
  • US and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116-year hiatus (Jan. 10).
  • Reagan orders US Marines withdrawn from Beirut international peacekeeping force (Feb. 7).
  • Yuri V. Andropov dies at 69; Konstantin U. Chernenko, 72, named Soviet leader (Feb. 9). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Italy and Vatican agree to end Roman Catholicism as state religion (Feb. 18).
  • Soviet Union withdraws from summer Olympic games in US, and other bloc nations follow (May 7 et seq.).
  • José Napoleón Duarte, moderate, elected president of El Salvador (May 11).
  • Three hundred slain as Indian Army occupies Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar (June 6).
  • Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards; 1,000 killed in anti-Sikh riots; son Rajiv succeeds her (Oct. 31).
  • Toxic gas leaks from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing 2,000 and injuring 150,000 (Dec. 3).

Birthday Passenger (17-5) in history

  • Day 17-5 year 1792: The New York Stock Exchange was established when a group of 24 brokers and merchants met by a tree on what is now Wall Street and signed the Buttonwood Agreement.
  • Day 17-5 year 1875: The first Kentucky Derby was held at Churchill Downs, in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Day 17-5 year 1938: NBC aired the Information Please quiz show on the radio for the first time.
  • Day 17-5 year 1954: The Supreme Court ruled unanimously against segregation in schools in Brown v. Board of Education.
  • Day 17-5 year 1973: Televised Watergate hearings opened, headed by North Carolina senator Sam Ervin.
  • Day 17-5 year 1987: An Iraqi warplane attacked the U.S.S. Stark in the Persian Gulf, killing 37 American sailors and wounding 62.
  • Day 17-5 year 1997: Laurent Kabila declared himself president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Day 17-5 year 2004: In Massachusetts, same-sex couples exchanged marriage vows for the first time in the United States.
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Note about Singer Passenger

Passenger infomation and profile updated by