Singer Truong Y Du

Image of Truong Y Du #

Truong Y Du

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 12-7-1987 (37 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1987: 61,75 millions

Global rank: #8551


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Singer Truong Y Du profile

Who is Singer Truong Y Du?
- Truong Y Du's real name is Truong Dang Minh Hung. He is a male singer who is quite familiar with the Vietnamese audience with once-hit songs such as Secret Heart,...
- With a passion for music from a young age along with a gift for sound perception. Because of his good music, his new songs are warmly received by the audience.
Songs that record Truong Y Du's mark:
  • Heart of Steel - Truong Y Du
  • I Don't Believe You Too Jealous - Truong Y Du, To Phuong Trang
  • Late Tears - Truong Y Du
  • The Secret of the Heart - Truong Y Du, Dieu Hien
  • Dream I Love You - Truong Y Du
  • Love You More Than Anything - Truong Y Du
  • When Love Love Chia Xa - Truong Y Du
  • The Reason You're Leaving - Truong Y Du
  • You're My Daughter I Love - Truong Y Du
  • I Wish Farewell Is Just a Dream - Truong Y Du
  • When Love Soars - Truong Y Du
  • Try Breaking Up - Truong Y Du
  • Connecting Big Arms (Remix) - Children Duong Y Du
His featured albums;
  • Steel Heart Album (Single) - Truong Y Du
  • Album Wrong Choice - Truong Y Du
  • Album Why You Left (Single) - Truong Y Du
  • Album Dream I Love You - Love You More Than Everything - Truong Y Du
  • Album When Love Fly (Single) - Truong Y Du
  • Album When Love Splits - Truong Y Du
  • Album Secret Heart - Truong Y Du


Young / Before famous

- From a young age, Y Du was fond of singing, he sang anytime, anywhere, even when cooking rice, bathing or selling goods to his mother in the market.
- Truong Y Du graduated from Ttung Hoc Pho School. Thong Nguyen Huu Canh Cho Moi.
- He graduated from City College of Transport. Ho Chi Minh City.
- After being passionate about art, Du both worked and studied at the City Theater and Cinema School. HCM
- After graduating from Y Du Theater School, he still sang and first joined the group, then separated and got where he is today.

Family life info

Truong Y Du was born and raised in An Giang in a family with no one following the arts. His father is a farmer, his mother trades in the market. The family has two brothers, Du is the oldest child in the family and a younger brother is Truong Dang Minh Dung.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Truong Y Du? What Truong Y Du's weight?
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Summary of Truong Y Du profile

When was Singer Truong Y Du born?
Truong Y Du birthday 12-7-1987 (at the age of 37).
Where is Singer Truong Y Du's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Truong Y Du was born in An Giang, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Truong Y Du's global rank is 8551 and whose rank is 578 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 1987 is about 61,75 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

The image of singer Y Du in the album The Wrong Choice
The image of singer Y Du in the album The Wrong Choice
 Portrait of singer Truong Y Du
Portrait of singer Truong Y Du
 Singer Truong Y Du posing playfully
Singer Truong Y Du posing playfully

Truong Y Du ranking


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Events in 1987 and 12-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Truong Y Du

  • William Buckley, American hostage in Lebanon, reported slain (Jan. 20).
  • Iraqi missiles kill 37 in attack on US frigate Stark in Persian Gulf (May 17); Iraqi president Hussein apologizes (May 18).
  • Prime Minister Thatcher wins rare third term in Britain (June 11).
  • Klaus Barbie, 73, Gestapo wartime chief in Lyon, sentenced to life by French court for war crimes (July 4).

Birthday Truong Y Du (12-7) in history

  • Day 12-7 year 1543: King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr.
  • Day 12-7 year 1690: In the Battle of Boyne in Ireland, Protestant William of Orange defeated James II of Roman Catholicism.
  • Day 12-7 year 1862: Congress authorized the Medal of Honor.
  • Day 12-7 year 1960: The first Etch-A-Sketch went on sale.
  • Day 12-7 year 1979: Kiribati, formerly the Gilbert Islands, gained its independence from the United Kingdom.
  • Day 12-7 year 1984: Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale became the first major-party candidate to choose a woman as a running mate when he announced his choice of Geraldine Ferraro.
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Note about Singer Truong Y Du

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