Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries

Kaillie Humphries

Living place: Canada

Birthday: 4-9-1985 (39 years old)

Population of the world 1985: 4.850 billions

Global rank: #67298

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Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries profile

Who is Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries?
Canadian Bobsledder was used to advantage in the competition by winning gold medals in all two women's events at the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics. In 2014, she received the award. Lou Marsh as all the best Canadian athletes of the year.
She became the original female bobsledder to win the Olympic gold medal back-to-back and was her country's flagbearer at the game's closing ceremony in 2014.

Young / Before famous

She was an alpine ski racer as a teenager but retired from the sport after breaking both of her legs.

Family life info

She was previously married to former Olympic bobsledder Dan Humphries.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries?
She won two Olympic gold medals alongside bobsled partner Heather Moyse.

Body measurements of

How tall is Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries? What Kaillie Humphries's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Kaillie Humphries profile

When was Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries born?
Kaillie Humphries birthday 4-9-1985 (at the age of 39).
Where is Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Kaillie Humphries was born in . is a Snowmobile athlete, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Kaillie Humphries's global rank is 67298 and whose rank is 4 in list of famous Snowmobile athlete. Population of the world in 1985 is about 4.850 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1985 and 4-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Kaillie Humphries

  • Soviet leader Chernenko dies at 73 and is replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev, 54 (March 11). Under the slogans of glasnost and Perestroika, Gorbachev initiates a broad program of reform and liberalization. Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Two Shi'ite Muslim gunmen capture TWA airliner with 133 aboard, 104 of them Americans (June 14); 39 remaining hostages freed in Beirut (June 30).
  • PLO terrorists hijack Achille Lauro, Italian cruise ship, with 80 passengers, plus crew (Oct. 7); American, Leon Klinghoffer, killed (Oct. 8); Italian government toppled by political crisis over hijacking (Oct. 16).
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet at summit (Nov. 19); agree to step up arms control talks and renew cultural contacts (Nov. 21). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Terrorists seize Egyptian Boeing 737 airliner after takeoff from Athens (Nov. 23); 59 dead as Egyptian forces storm plane on Malta (Nov. 24).

Birthday Kaillie Humphries (4-9) in history

  • Day 4-9 year 1781: The city of Los Angeles was founded by Spanish settlers.
  • Day 4-9 year 1888: George Eastman patented his roll-film camera and registered the Kodak trademark.
  • Day 4-9 year 1951: President Harry S. Truman inaugurated transcontinental television service in the U.S. when AT&T carried his address to the opening session of the Japanese Peace Convention in San Francisco.
  • Day 4-9 year 1957: Nine black students attempted to enter Little Rock's Central High School but were blocked by the National Guard. Arkansas governor Orval Faubus had summoned the federal troops.
  • Day 4-9 year 1972: U. S. swimmer Mark Spitz won a record seventh gold medal at the Munich Summer Olympics.
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Other famous Snowmobile athlete

Famous people born in 4-9-1985

Note about Snowmobile athlete Kaillie Humphries

Kaillie Humphries infomation and profile updated by