Vietnam War Hero Ho Tac Sanh

Ho Tac Sanh

Living place: Ben Tre

Birthday: ?-?-1922

Global rank: #88928

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Vietnam War Hero Ho Tac Sanh profile

Who is Vietnam War Hero Ho Tac Sanh?
Ho Tac Sanh is a hero of the Vietnam War. He used to be a soldier for the National Self-Defense of Ben Tre Province.
In August 1945, he joined the National Self-Defense Force of the province Ben Tre, because he came from a martial arts master, he was assigned the task of training martial arts by his unit and directly participated in the eradication and elimination of bandits to maintain social order.
End. In 1946, his ancestors were assigned the task of entering the lair to erase the name Ca Bien. He calmly gave the idea to go to his own house to erase it. The news that Ca Bien was being punished at his home made the enemy extremely confused and afraid. Right after that, he was assigned the task of eradicating Bang's name at all costs, the name of our cadre who surrendered to the enemy, and pointed out the fierce resistance to the revolution. This guy is very cunning, I have tried many times to get rid of him but have not been successful. This time, he and some soldiers in the guerrilla team chose the option of intercepting the road, disarming and erasing Bang's name.
In May 1948, while on his way to work, he was pointed out. In an urgent situation, he resolutely fought back to break the encirclement, wipe out 2 enemies, and injure 2 others. When the gun ran out of bullets, he used his hand to hit some other guys. Due to the large number of enemies, he was arrested. After doing all the tortures and tricks of seduction but still did not get anything from him.
On the afternoon of May 2, 1948, he was taken by the enemy to the Ben Tre river pier, put stones on his body and then drowned in the river until he died.
On August 3, 1995, Ho Tac Sanh was won by the Party, The State posthumously confers the title Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

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Summary of Ho Tac Sanh profile

When was Vietnam War Hero Ho Tac Sanh born?
Ho Tac Sanh was born in ?-?-1922, death year is 1948, at the age of 26.
Where is Vietnam War Hero Ho Tac Sanh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ho Tac Sanh was born in Ben Tre, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Ho Tac Sanh's global rank is 88928 and whose rank is 123 in list of famous Vietnam War Hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1922 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Ho Tac Sanh

  • Mussolini marches on Rome; forms Fascist government.
  • Irish Free State, a self-governing dominion of British Empire, officially proclaimed.
  • Kemal Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey, overthrows last sultan.
  • Reparations Commission fixes German liability at 132 billion gold marks. German inflation begins.
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