Vietnam War Hero Hoang Khac Duoc

Hoang Khac Duoc

Living place: Nam Dinh

Birthday: ?-?-1917 (107 years old)

Global rank: #84080

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Vietnam War Hero Hoang Khac Duoc profile

Who is Vietnam War Hero Hoang Khac Duoc?
Hoang Khac Duoc used to hold the position of captain of the army rearing squad of the 66th Regiment, 304th Battalion, and was a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
The French army returned to invade our country at the end of 1946, they entered the country. Nam Dinh city. He volunteered to participate in self-defense with soldiers who fought continuously for 13 days in Nam Dinh city. The comrade without a gun immediately used a grenade launcher to fight and was able to bring a wounded soldier and a dead soldier to the back.
In 1947, Hoang Khac Duong joined the army. In January 1947, in the battle against the paratroopers, he used a machete to kill 3 enemies and obtained 2 guns. During the years of the resistance war until 1952, he was assigned a mission, went to the battlefield to fight, and then transferred to the job of raising troops. No matter what position, or under any circumstances, he always worked hard and successfully completed the assigned tasks. You always cared for and nurtured our soldiers with utmost care so that we could go to war with peace of mind.
In the 1953 to 1954 Winter-Spring Campaign, during the days when our troops pursued the enemy, you had to bear the burden. 30 to 40 kilograms, running to ensure enough food for the soldiers. At one point, our army's food ran out, and each soldier could only eat 2 taels. Comrade has been exemplary in mobilizing the army raising team to reduce their share for the soldiers who are directly in the battle. Although, sometimes he was sick, he always completed his tasks, and together with the soldiers made many outstanding feats.
Comrade was an exemplary army captain in all aspects, with a good character. simple, modest, with a high sense of responsibility, he was always loved and respected by everyone.
Comrade Hoang Khac Duoc was awarded the First Class Victory Medal, the Second Class Victory Medal, and 2 Orders of Merit. Third-class victory, and was praised many times by regiments and unions, was elected as emulation soldier of the company.
On August 31, 1955, he was awarded by the Party and State. Third-class Military Merit Medal and conferred the title Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

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Summary of Hoang Khac Duoc profile

When was Vietnam War Hero Hoang Khac Duoc born?
Hoang Khac Duoc birthday ?-?-1917 (at the age of 107).
Where is Vietnam War Hero Hoang Khac Duoc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hoang Khac Duoc was born in Nam Dinh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Hoang Khac Duoc's global rank is 84080 and whose rank is 75 in list of famous Vietnam War Hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1917 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Hoang Khac Duoc

  • First U.S. combat troops arrive in France as U.S. declares war on Germany (April 6). Background: World War I
  • Third Battle of Ypres is fought. Background: World War I
  • World-wide influenza pandemic strikes; by 1920, nearly 20 million are dead. In U.S. alone, 500,000 perish. Background: Major U.S. Epidemics
  • Dutch dancer Mata Hari is convicted and executed as a German spy.
  • Government offices are seized and the Romanov's Winter Palace is stormed in Russian October Revolution.
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