Vietnam War Hero Tran Cu

Tran Cu

Living place: Vinh Phuc

Birthday: ?-?-1920

Global rank: #78410

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Vietnam War Hero Tran Cu profile

Who is Vietnam War Hero Tran Cu?
Tran Cu is a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam and was conferred the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the state.
On August 19, 1945, he joined the revolutionary ranks right after the revolution. August network was successful.
From the time of revolutionary activities until 1950, he worked on the Viet Bac battlefield. Tran Cu participated in many battles of our army, every time he always fought bravely, and with his teammates successfully completed all assigned tasks. When he first joined, he was just a soldier, later he was promoted to the captain of the company. Tran Cu always pays attention to building a development unit in all aspects, always takes care of, helps and encourages teammates, with a simple personality, is always loved by everyone.
During the Biennial campaign. About, the second battle of Dong Khe, at that time he held the position of company captain of the regiment's main offensive company. The first night, the company under the command of comrades fought very bravely, in the morning because your unit could not get inside, there was an order that Tran Cu's company had to temporarily withdraw. The second night, the battle became tough and fierce. The enemy used fire to continuously shoot up, causing our troops to suffer a lot of casualties, then, seeing that the battle was not on our side, Tran Cu did not hesitate to lead a squad to attack the enemy directly, to The entire company had spare time to rush to destroy the enemy. The enemy troops still had some to enter the bunker right in front of the tunnel door, they resisted fiercely. Although Tran Cu was seriously injured in the leg, Comrade still charged with his teammates twice but still could not stop the enemy. until it was almost dawn, knowing that it would not be possible to wait until morning, then it would be very difficult for our troops, he directed the soldiers to focus their fire on intense fire, throw grenades to charge forward, determined to destroy the enemy. But only holding out for a while, the enemy threw a series of bullets, injuring our troops a lot. Tran Cu was angry, endured pain, was not afraid of danger, rushed into the enemy's bunker, threw the remaining cannon into the apricot hole and used his whole body to seal the enemy's fire. With your bravery, our army rushed to knock down the underground bunker and destroyed all the enemy troops and recaptured Dong Khe.
With excellent achievements, always successfully completed all assigned tasks. Tran Cu was awarded the Third-class Military Merit Medal, the First-class Resistance Order and the First-class Victory Medal by the State.
On August 31, 1955, Tran Cu was posthumously awarded the Order by our Party and State. Second-class military merit and the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

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Summary of Tran Cu profile

When was Vietnam War Hero Tran Cu born?
Tran Cu was born in ?-?-1920, death year is , at the age of 104.
Where is Vietnam War Hero Tran Cu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Cu was born in Vinh Phuc, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Tran Cu's global rank is 78410 and whose rank is 23 in list of famous Vietnam War Hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1920 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Tran Cu

  • U.S. Dept. of Justice "red hunt" nets thousands of radicals; aliens deported.
  • Women's suffrage (19th) amendment ratified. Background: Amendments to the Constitution of the United States
  • Treaty of Sèvres dissolves Ottoman Empire.
  • Mexican president Venustiano Carranza is assassinated.
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