Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong

Ly Thai Tong

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 29-7-1000

Global rank: #61690

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Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong profile

Who is Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong?
Ly Thai Tong was the second king of the Ly dynasty in Vietnamese history, reigning for 26 years. He is considered a talented emperor, and is considered to have brought prosperity to the Ly Dynasty.
Thai Tong De Tit was actually Ly Phat Ma, or Ly Duc Chinh, the eldest son of Ly Thai To. According to historical researchers, Emperor Thai Tong was the son of Le Thi Phat Ngan - the daughter of Le Dai Hanh and Madame Duong Van Nga. Legend has it that when he was young, he had seven moles on the back of his neck like the seven stars (North Star).
In 1010, when he was 10 years old, the Ly court moved the capital from Hoa Lu - Ninh Binh about Thang Long ie Hanoi today. At the age of 13, he was ordained as the Crown Prince of the East, given the title Khai Thien Vuong, and established the outermost palace to get acquainted with the people and mandarins here. During this time, he was sent as a general to lead troops to quell rebellions in many places and achieved many victories. In 1019, he was promoted to marshal, led the army to attack Champa. Deploying a large army to cross the sea to reach Long Ty mountain, suddenly a golden dragon appeared on the boat, he went and caught the dragon and then gradually the dragon disappeared.
In 1023, Ly Phat Ma led the army away. beat Phong Chau. Two years later, he went to fight Dien Chay and achieved a great feat that made Emperor Thai To very satisfied. The crown prince was famous throughout the city because of his benevolent nature, wisdom, understanding of literature and martial arts, six arts, music ceremonies, muskets... nothing was not mastered.
In 1028, Emperor Thai To After death, the burial was not completed, but the princes Duc Thanh Vuong, Vu Duc Vuong, and Dong Chinh Vuong brought troops to besiege the citadel to claim the throne of the Crown Prince. In the history books, this is called "Three Kings of Chaos". Ly Nhan Nghia was one of the top mandarins who asked the Crown Prince to bring his army into the city to decide whether to win or lose a battle. When the soldiers of the Crown Prince and the kings were facing each other, the guard Vu guard General Le Phung Hieu pointed at Vu Duc Vuong and said, then ran to cut Vu Duc Vuong in the front. When the king's army saw this, they fled in fear. King Dong Zheng and King Wing Chun also had to flee.
When hearing the news that Vu Duc Vuong was killed in the war for power, Khai King at that time was stationed in Truong Yen residence in Hoa Lu felt discontented, hoping that because of the dangerous terrain, he sent his army. go to rebel. The crown prince personally went to quell the rebellion. On arriving at Truong Yen, Khai Quoc Vuong surrendered. After defeating the Three Kings, Crown Prince Phat Ma ascended the throne, took the title Ly Thai Tong, changed the year to Thien Thanh. Later, King Dong Chinh and King Duc Thanh returned to bear the crime. Emperor Thai Ton thought of flesh and blood, forgave them and restored them to their old positions.

In 1029, dragons appeared at the Can Nguyen palace. Vu then ordered Huu Ty to expand the land, re-aim the direction, and change the name of the palace to Thien An. The left side built Tuyen Duc Palace, the right side built Dien Phuc Palace, the front porch was named Long Tri. The east of the dragon shelf is called Van Minh Palace, the west is called Quang Vu, the left and right sides of the dragon shelf erected bells against each other so that people can complain.

He also advocates to amend the law. , penalty regulations, the interrogation. Emperor Thai Tong also issued a decree on the richness of taxes, allowing the collector to take 10 parts to pay the mandarin and take another part, if taken too much, he would be punished as stealing. In 1042, he issued the Epistle. In the past, the litigation was very annoying, now he sent the secretary to issue the law order. When the book is finished, it must be published so that the people know it.

Thai Tong Emperor, although he had to fight the inter-international rebellion, did not neglect the government affairs. He proved to be a king who loved his people like his son. Whenever the people lose their crops, go hungry, or return from fighting the enemy, they will receive a tax reduction for two or three years.

July 1057, according to the decree of Emperor Thai Tong, the crown prince Ly Nhat Ton to be in court to hear the truth. In September, his health got worse and worse. On November 3, 1054 of the solar calendar, Emperor Taizong died after 27 years of ruling the country, enjoying the age of 54.


Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong?
Ly Thai Tong is the father of Ly Thanh Tong De.

Body measurements of

How tall is Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong? What Ly Thai Tong's weight?
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Summary of Ly Thai Tong profile

When was Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong born?
Ly Thai Tong was born in 29-7-1000, death day is 03/11/1054, at the age of 54.
Where is Vietnamese Emperor Ly Thai Tong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ly Thai Tong was born in Ninh Binh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Ly Thai Tong's global rank is 61690 and whose rank is 8 in list of famous Vietnamese Emperor.
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Events in 1000 and 29-7

Birthday Ly Thai Tong (29-7) in history

  • Day 29-7 year 1890: Artist Vincent van Gogh died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Auvers, France.
  • Day 29-7 year 1958: President Eisenhower signed the congressional act that created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by Congress.
  • Day 29-7 year 1968: In Humanae Vitae (of Human Life), Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Catholic Church's prohibition on artificial methods of birth control.
  • Day 29-7 year 1981: Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, married Lady Diana Spencer.
  • Day 29-7 year 2003: Red sox switch hitter Bill Mueller became the first baseball player to hit grand slam home runs from both sides of the plate in the same game.
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Born in 1000