Vietnamese historical celebrity Nguyen Binh Khiem

Nguyen Binh Khiem

Living place: Hai Phong

Birthday: ?-?-1491

Global rank: #87438

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Vietnamese historical celebrity Nguyen Binh Khiem profile

Who is Vietnamese historical celebrity Nguyen Binh Khiem?
Nguyen Binh Khiem's ​​birth name is Nguyen Van Dat. Nguyen Binh Khiem comes from a family of Vong clan, educated, he is the grandson of high minister Nhu Van Lan, his father and mother are both literary and educated people, so from a young age he absorbed the tradition of family education. discipline. His father is Nguyen Van Dinh, a student at Quoc Tu Giam school, but he did not work as a mandarin, returned to his hometown to teach, and took the pseudonym Cu Xuyen. Her mother's name is Nhu Thi Thuc.
Nguyen Binh Khiem studied under Dinh Nguyen label Luong Dac Bang. With a brilliant mind, smart from a young age, and met a good teacher, Nguyen Binh Khiem soon became a famous outstanding talent. And later, his profound academic talent surpassed that of his teacher. In 1534, Nguyen Binh Khiem passed first the incense exam, right after that, in 1535 he passed the first two exams, the Dinh exam. Nguyen Binh Khiem was awarded the title Trinh Tuyen Hau by King Mac, so people often called him Trang Trinh. At the age of 53, Nguyen Binh Khiem retired from the military mandarin, founded Bach Van Am, took the name Bach Van layman.
In 1542, when the power of the gods was in turmoil at the court, Nguyen Binh Khiem immediately offered to beheaded 18. The big mandarin was so arrogant, but the king did not agree. He immediately gave up his official position and returned to his hometown to teach. There were many students who came to study with him and many became the country's talents. Although he returned to his hometown, the Mac kings still respected him, considered him as a teacher and often sent messengers to the place to ask for a plan. According to legend, he was also a prophet, the author of many oracles. The Mac, Trinh, and Nguyen dynasties all came to ask for his advice to build the country.
In 1585, Nguyen Binh Khiem fell seriously ill. When he passed away, the king appointed the chief minister to be the priest, built the temple, and wrote the script by himself.
Nguyen Binh Khiem left behind such works as:
  • Bai Van poetry collection includes hundreds of remaining poems in Chinese
  • According to the State Duke of Bach Van Thiet
  • Reporting to the Duke of Nguyen Binh Khiem practice exam


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Summary of Nguyen Binh Khiem profile

When was Vietnamese historical celebrity Nguyen Binh Khiem born?
Nguyen Binh Khiem was born in ?-?-1491, death day is 28/11/1585, at the age of 94.
Where is Vietnamese historical celebrity Nguyen Binh Khiem's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Binh Khiem was born in Hai Phong, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Nguyen Binh Khiem's global rank is 87438 and whose rank is 31 in list of famous Vietnamese historical celebrity.
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Photos/ Images

Image of statue of Nguyen Binh Khiem
Image of statue of Nguyen Binh Khiem
 Sketch of portrait of Nguyen Binh Khiem
Sketch of portrait of Nguyen Binh Khiem

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