Website Ducmark.Com

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Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: 25-11-2021 (3 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2021: 98,51tr

Global rank: #96998



Phone number: 0944 444 459

Website Ducmark.Com profile

Who is Website Ducmark.Com?

Website ducmark. com is?

ducmark website. com - exclusively for women, is the convergence of hair care knowledge by Mr. established. The website was born and developed with the goal of Spread the passion for the hair industry, the number 1 hair brand Vietnam, address hair training No. 1 credit in Vietnam.... and above all, bring it to our readers and customers The latest, most selective news about the hair industry, hairstyles and hair services now.

Website ducmark. com was established on November 25, 2021, up to the present time ducmark. com has earned me an amount quite a lot of interaction. Own traffic of about 10,000 clicks per month, every hits within 20 seconds. Among them, up to 66.88% are men, and and 35.12% are female. The majority of visitors are between the ages of 18 and 24 years old (accounting for 39.48%), and from 25 to 34 years old (accounting for 36.62%). That proves shows, information that website ducmark. com aims to provide readers with highly attractive, regardless of age or gender.

The process of formation and development:

ducmark website. com is up to real ideas and officially established on November 25, 2021. After only 1 month of ideation, the implementation plan, the website has been completed clearly and in detail for each item, each topic with each task of conveying different information.

Name ducmark. com is inspired Inspired by the name of the CEO: Nguyen Xuan Duc.

Since its establishment and growing up Up to now, this website still has only one head office in Hanoi and under . management and control authority of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Duc. With intelligence, know how to capture and filter the right content, all information is edited on the page Websites are highly appreciated by Google and suggestions to readers. There is no precedent for articles on this site to be scanned and reported fox.

Outstanding advantages of ducmark website. com

Ducmark. com provides full information the mainstay of the hair industry in Vietnam and the hair industry in the world. With variety different sources of information, giving readers many sources of knowledge and suggestions about hairstyles, trendy and hottest hair models of the year.... Accurate information, great most filtered.

Hopefully in the near future Website ducmark. com will have many new or useful articles to help women no longer have to worry about taking care of their hair!


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How tall is Website Ducmark.Com? What Ducmark.Com's weight?
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Summary of Ducmark.Com profile

When was Website Ducmark.Com born?
Ducmark.Com founding day 25-11-2021 (at the age of 3).
Where is Website Ducmark.Com's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ducmark.Com was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. is a Website, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Ducmark.Com's global rank is 96998 and whose rank is 147 in list of famous Website. Population of Vietnam in 2021 is about 98,51tr persons.
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Photos/ Images website image website image website promotes prestige for women website promotes prestige for women
The process of forming and developing website
The process of forming and developing website
Overview of website
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Events in 2021 and 25-11

Founding day Ducmark.Com (25-11) in history

  • Day 25-11 year 1758: The British captured Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) in the seven-year war between the two coalitions, including Great Britain, the Kingdom of Hannover, and Prussia. Fighting on the other side were France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and the Saxony
  • Day 25-11 year 1783: The British withdrew their troops from New York City, their last military position, after the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 25-11 year 1841: The slaves who seized the Amistad in 1839 were freed by the Supreme Court. They had been defended by former president John Quincy Adams.
  • Day 25-11 year 1947: Movie executives blacklisted the "Hollywood Ten."
  • Day 25-11 year 1986: Iran-Contra scandal broke.
  • Day 25-11 year 1998: Jiang Zemin became the first Chinese head of state to visit Japan since World War II.
  • Day 25-11 year 1999: Elian Gonzalez was rescued off the coast of Florida.
  • Day 25-11 year 2002: President George W. Bush signed into law the Department of Homeland Security and named Tom Ridge as head.
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