Baseball player Javy Lopez

Javy Lopez

Living place: Ponce

Birthday: 5-11-1970 (54 years old)

Population of the world 1970: 3.706 billions

Global rank: #54452

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Baseball player Javy Lopez profile

Who is Baseball player Javy Lopez?
The MLB star captured the most players of his career with the Atlanta Braves and won a World Series title in 1995.
He hit 41 home runs in 2003, breaking the only season record for most runners-up. house by a catcher.

Young / Before famous

He grew up in Puerto Rico and was signed as an amateur by the Atlanta Braves in 1987.

Family life info

Had two children, Javier and Kelvin, with wife Analy Lopez; After their divorce, he married his second wife Gina in 2004.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Baseball player Javy Lopez?
He played alongside 300-match winner Greg Maddux for several seasons with the Atlanta Braves.

Body measurements of

How tall is Baseball player Javy Lopez? What Javy Lopez's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Javy Lopez profile

When was Baseball player Javy Lopez born?
Javy Lopez birthday 5-11-1970 (at the age of 54).
Where is Baseball player Javy Lopez's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Javy Lopez was born in Ponce, of Puerto Rico. is a Baseball player, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Javy Lopez's global rank is 54452 and whose rank is 803 in list of famous Baseball player. Population of the world in 1970 is about 3.706 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1970 and 5-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Javy Lopez

  • Biafra surrenders after 32-month fight for independence from Nigeria (Jan. 12).
  • Rhodesia severs last tie with British Crown and declares itself a racially segregated republic (March 1).
  • US troops invade Cambodia (May 1). Background: Vietnam War
  • A Palestinian revolt erupts in Jordan. Forces loyal to King Hussein suppress the revolt and expel the PLO from the country.
  • Earthquake kills more than 50,000 in Peru (May 31).
  • Egyptian President Nasser dies and is replaced by Anwar el-Sadat.
  • Tonga (June 4) and Fiji (Oct. 10) gain independence from Britain.

Birthday Javy Lopez (5-11) in history

  • Day 5-11 year 1605: The "Gunpowder plot" of a group of Catholics to assassinate King James I by blowing up the British Parliament has failed.
  • Day 5-11 year 1872: Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for trying to vote in the presidential election (she was trying to vote for President Grant).
  • Day 5-11 year 1895: George B. Selden of Rochester, N.Y., received the first U.S. patent for an automobile.
  • Day 5-11 year 1940: President Franklin D. Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office when he defeated Wendell L. Willkie.
  • Day 5-11 year 1968: The first black woman representative to serve in Congress, Shirley Chisholm, was elected.
  • Day 5-11 year 1974: Ella T. Grasso became the first woman to win a gubernatorial office without succeeding her husband.
  • Day 5-11 year 1989: Pianist Vladimir Horowitz died in New York at age 85.
  • Day 5-11 year 1994: At 45, George Foreman, became the oldest heavyweight champion when he knocked out Michael Moorer in the 10th round of their WBA fight in Las Vegas.
  • Day 5-11 year 2011: Former Penn State defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky, is arrested on charges of 40 counts of sexual abuse over a 15-year period.
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Famous people born in Ponce

Note about Baseball player Javy Lopez

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