Businessmen Ngo Nhan

Ngo Nhan

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 25-12-1996 (28 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1996: 73,16 millions

Global rank: #3257


Email: updating

Phone number: 0903 297 844

Businessmen Ngo Nhan profile

Who is Businessmen Ngo Nhan?
Ngo Nhan (full name Ngo Van Nhan) - a successful young businessman who doesn't need a university degree. Ngo Nhan said that "University is not the only way to success, it's just the path most people choose". At a very young age, Ngo Nhan has established a company specializing in games and achieved certain successes.
Born into a family with difficult circumstances in the ancient capital Ninh Binh, childhood associated with Poverty makes Ngo Nhan more willing to rise. During his high school years, Ngo Nhan went to school and worked part-time to help support his family.
In 2015, Ngo Nhan voluntarily wrote an application to join the army. The time spent training in the army helped Ngo Nhan become more mature, mature and brave. Thanks to good training, Ngo Nhan was admitted to the Communist Party of Vietnam by the unit.
In 2017, Ngo Nhan was discharged from the army. He spends a lot of time researching on social networks, Youtube and the Online Game market. He fell in love with the legendary Mobile Game line of TeaMobi in Vietnam such as: Avatar, Army 2, Ngoc Rong Online…
In 2019, Ngo Nhan and his partner succeeded in a game company. Although he was equipped with knowledge and mentality to accept difficulties, when he started working, Ngo Nhan still felt surprised because this environment is very volatile. To follow the policies of Youtube and online games is not easy, but he is not discouraged, always learning to keep up with these platforms. In the process of running the company, Ngo Nhan realized that the exchange needs of gamers were very high, so he boldly invested and expanded this service and obtained stable revenue. Currently, Ngo Nhan has become a reputable partner of many Game publishers.
Besides running a Game company, Ngo Nhan also owns a Youtube channel View6saoTV with more than 200,000 subscribers for tutorials. Game skills. Ngo Nhan chooses game content because he has knowledge in this field and the audience is also very large. The secret of Ngo Nhan's success is "Just keep running on the path you have chosen, don't compare yourself with others". Ngo Nhan's past journey has not been easy, behind his success are many efforts. For Ngo Nhan, being able to do what you love is a lasting happiness and the foundation for meaningful achievements.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Businessmen Ngo Nhan?

Body measurements of

How tall is Businessmen Ngo Nhan? What Ngo Nhan's weight?
Height: About 1m68
Weight: About 55kg
Measurement of 3 rings: updating

Summary of Ngo Nhan profile

When was Businessmen Ngo Nhan born?
Ngo Nhan birthday 25-12-1996 (at the age of 28).
Where is Businessmen Ngo Nhan's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ngo Nhan was born in Ninh Binh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Ngo Nhan's global rank is 3257 and whose rank is 60 in list of famous Businessmen. Population of Vietnam in 1996 is about 73,16 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Businessman Ngo Nhan shows off the silver button Youtube
Businessman Ngo Nhan shows off the silver button Youtube
 Entrepreneur Ngo Nhan bought a car when he was very young
Entrepreneur Ngo Nhan bought a car when he was very young
 Entrepreneur Ngo Nhan while in the army
Entrepreneur Ngo Nhan while in the army

Ngo Nhan ranking


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Events in 1996 and 25-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Ngo Nhan

  • Chechens capture 2,000 Russians (Jan. 9). Chechnya peace treaty signed (May 27).
  • France agrees to end nuclear testing (Jan. 29). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Britain alarmed by an outbreak of "mad cow" disease (March 20 et seq.).
  • UN tribunal charges war crimes by Bosnian Muslims and Croats (March 22). Nations pledge $1.23 billion in aid to rebuild Bosnia (April 22).
  • South Africa gets new constitution (May 8).
  • Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister (May 31).
  • Iraqis strike at Kurdish enclave (Aug. 31); after warning, US attacks Iraq's southern air defenses (Sept. 2–3).
  • Militant Taliban leaders seize Afghan capital of Kabul (Sept. 27).
  • Ethnic violence breaks out in Zairian refugee camps (Oct. 13); Clinton approves plan for UN-backed relief mission for 1.2 million Hutu refugees starving in eastern Zaire (Nov. 13). Hundreds of thousands return to Rwanda (Nov. 15–18).

Birthday Ngo Nhan (25-12) in history

  • Day 25-12 year 1066: Duke of Normandy William the Conqueror is crowned King of England.
  • Day 25-12 year 1776: The founder of the United States, George Washington, crossed the Delaware River and amazed the Hessians.
  • Day 25-12 year 1868: President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional pardon to all persons involved in the Southern rebellion that resulted in the Civil War.
  • Day 25-12 year 1926: Hirohito became emperor of Japan.
  • Day 25-12 year 1977: British film actor, director, and producer Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland at age 88.
  • Day 25-12 year 1989: Former Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were executed.
  • Day 25-12 year 1991: President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned following the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
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