Football player Jim Clunie

Jim Clunie

Living place: Kirkcaldy

Birthday: 4-9-1933 (91 years old)

Global rank: #89148

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Football player Jim Clunie profile

Who is Football player Jim Clunie?
Midfielder who made his professional debut in 1951 for Raith Rovers and later played for Aberdeen and St Mirren.
The manager of St. Mirren 1978-1981 after his playing career ended.

Young / Before famous

He played youth soccer for Raith Rovers.

Family life info

He was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Football player Jim Clunie?
Defender Charlie Mitchell also plays for St Mirren.

Body measurements of

How tall is Football player Jim Clunie? What Jim Clunie's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Jim Clunie profile

When was Football player Jim Clunie born?
Jim Clunie birthday 4-9-1933 (at the age of 91).
Where is Football player Jim Clunie's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Jim Clunie was born in Kirkcaldy, of Scotland. is a Football player, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Jim Clunie's global rank is 89148 and whose rank is 5122 in list of famous Football player.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1933 and 4-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Jim Clunie

  • Reichstag fire in Berlin; Nazi terror begins (Feb. 27).
  • Hitler becomes German chancellor (Jan. 30).
  • Germany and Japan withdraw from League of Nations.

Birthday Jim Clunie (4-9) in history

  • Day 4-9 year 1781: The city of Los Angeles was founded by Spanish settlers.
  • Day 4-9 year 1888: George Eastman patented his roll-film camera and registered the Kodak trademark.
  • Day 4-9 year 1951: President Harry S. Truman inaugurated transcontinental television service in the U.S. when AT&T carried his address to the opening session of the Japanese Peace Convention in San Francisco.
  • Day 4-9 year 1957: Nine black students attempted to enter Little Rock's Central High School but were blocked by the National Guard. Arkansas governor Orval Faubus had summoned the federal troops.
  • Day 4-9 year 1972: U. S. swimmer Mark Spitz won a record seventh gold medal at the Munich Summer Olympics.
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Note about Football player Jim Clunie

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