Artist Phi Dieu

Image of Phi Dieu #

Phi Dieu

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1933 (91 years old)

Global rank: #79088

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Artist Phi Dieu profile

Who is Artist Phi Dieu?
Phi Dieu, whose real name is Nguyen Thi Phi, is an actress who was awarded the title of elite artist by the state in 1997. She is the wife of the late musician Phan Nhan, author of many immortal songs such as: Country Love Song, Remembering Pac Bo, Victor Hara's Guitar, Far From Hanoi, Hang Tree Thank you Uncle, Little Frog...
Artist Phi Dieu was born into a family with patriotic and revolutionary traditions. In 1954, she went to the North to gather and became a member of the Voice of Vietnam Radio. After she moved to the city. Ho Chi Minh, she works at City Radio. Ho Chi Minh. Since 2000, she has been acting. With a gentle face and austere features, she was assigned by the director the roles of a working woman, or a mother who has no qualms like in the movies: Thuy Khuc, White Blouse, Love Flower Basket...

Up to now, at the age of 84, the artist Phi Dieu is still acting and the frequency of participation in films has not decreased. Meritorious Artist Phi Dieu said that she is always grateful to God and Buddha for giving her health so that she can still do art, so that she can see that she is still useful to society. Every time she went to film, the artist Phi Dieu went by herself, because she felt uncomfortable when she saw someone taking her away. But sometimes the filming location was far from her house, and she also asked someone to take her away.

Once while filming, she had a traffic accident, injured her hand and had to be cast, but she only wore a cast. medicine to continue filming until the end of the movie so that it can be distributed in time for Tet. Passion for art seems to have been ingrained in this old actress' blood, making her not tired or struggling, but just want to complete the role as soon as possible so that the film can be released to the audience at the scheduled time. .

Movies joined:

  • The Dog Thief
  • Thuy Khuc
  • Love flower basket
  • White Blouse
  • Three wives marry three wives
  • Best friend
  • Happiness to look forward to

Family life info

Artist Phi Dieu is married to musician Phan Nhan

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Artist Phi Dieu?

Body measurements of

How tall is Artist Phi Dieu? What Phi Dieu's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Phi Dieu profile

When was Artist Phi Dieu born?
Phi Dieu birthday ?-?-1933 (at the age of 91).
Where is Artist Phi Dieu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Phi Dieu was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Phi Dieu's global rank is 79088 and whose rank is 41 in list of famous Artist.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of artist Phi Dieu
Portrait of artist Phi Dieu
 Photo of artist Phi Dieu and singer Cam Ly
Photo of artist Phi Dieu and singer Cam Ly
 Artist Phi Dieu and Ho Van Cuong in a skit
Artist Phi Dieu and Ho Van Cuong in a skit
 Photo of artist Phi Dieu and musician Phan Nhan
Photo of artist Phi Dieu and musician Phan Nhan
 Artist's photo Phi Dieu dazed at her husband's funeral
Artist's photo Phi Dieu dazed at her husband's funeral

Phi Dieu ranking


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Events in 1933 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Phi Dieu

  • Reichstag fire in Berlin; Nazi terror begins (Feb. 27).
  • Hitler becomes German chancellor (Jan. 30).
  • Germany and Japan withdraw from League of Nations.
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Note about Artist Phi Dieu

Phi Dieu infomation and profile updated by