Group Tam Su Eva

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Tam Su Eva

Working place: Vietnam

Founding day: 5-10-2016 (8 years old)

Global rank: #428


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Group Tam Su Eva profile

Who is Group Tam Su Eva?
EVA is a group that is receiving a lot of attention and trust from many women Vietnam. This group now has more than 1.1 million members. EVA Talk is the place to receive many confidants of all ages: from sisters to ask for advice on relationships with their husband's family, from teenage girls, or girls in love sharing. sulks, there are also people who are happy to confess their love, or mothers who show their baby pictures....
Started in October 2016, after just over 6 years, Confidential EVA has attracted more than 1 million members, becoming a famous group brand on social networks. Talking EVA has also become a familiar forum for many women across Vietnam. This group emerged as an unexpected phenomenon, where sisters came up and exchanged experiences of taking care of families, consulting on how to handle the mother-in-law relationship, counseling on sex, confiding in an adulterous husband. , buy and sell online... Although it has been knocked down three times because it is a women's community with a large number of members participating and too hot. However, EVA Confidentiality is still rebuilt by the owner. According to Ms. Tran Thuy Dung, previously Confidential EVA reached 300,000 members, sometimes up to 600. 000 members, the group is down again. But now, she has a lot of experience in managing her group after a lot of "traumatic lessons". Until now, EVA Talk Group has become a large community on Social Network for women in Vietnam.

Ms. Tran Thuy Dung - owner of EVA Talk group is a woman who is passionate about art, has business and management skills, loves to take care of her family and is currently in a happy marriage. She devoted herself to building a community on social networks, so every time the Group was down, she felt very sad, and sometimes felt frustrated when she had to rebuild from scratch. But fortunately, when she built EVA Confidentiality, she built several other useful communities for the online community at the same time, so everyone remembers her face, as long as she stands up to call the old members. also spread the word to join the new group.


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Body measurements of members

How tall is Group Tam Su Eva? What Tam Su Eva's weight?
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Summary of Tam Su Eva profile

When was Group Tam Su Eva born?
Tam Su Eva founding day 5-10-2016 (at the age of 8).
Where is Group Tam Su Eva's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tam Su Eva was born in Vietnam. is a Group, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Tam Su Eva's global rank is 428 and whose rank is 6 in list of famous Group.
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Photos/ Images

An image of EVA Talk Group
An image of EVA Talk Group
Image of EVA Confidential Group owner
Image of EVA Confidential Group owner

Tam Su Eva ranking


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Events in 2016 and 5-10

Founding day Tam Su Eva (5-10) in history

  • Day 5-10 year 1877: Chief Joseph surrendered to the U.S. Army.
  • Day 5-10 year 1910: King Manuel II was overnthrown in a revolution and Portugal became a republic.
  • Day 5-10 year 1921: The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time.
  • Day 5-10 year 1947: In the first televised White House address, President Truman urged Americans to refrain from eating meat on Tuesdays and poultry on Sundays to help starving people in other countries.
  • Day 5-10 year 1953: Earl Warren was sworn in as the 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Day 5-10 year 1962: The Beatles released their first hit, "Love Me Do," in Britain.
  • Day 5-10 year 1990: Cincinnati's Contemporary Arts Center and its director were acquitted of obscenity charges resulting from an exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs.
  • Day 5-10 year 2001: Barry Bonds broke Mark McGwire's record of 71 home runs in one season when he hit his 71st and 72nd homers.
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Note about Group Tam Su Eva

Tam Su Eva infomation and profile updated by