Hotface Luu Gia Bao

Image of Luu Gia Bao #

Luu Gia Bao

Living place: Daegu

Birthday: 4-11-1998 (26 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1998: 75,46 millions

Global rank: #77410



Phone number: updating

Hotface Luu Gia Bao profile

Who is Hotface Luu Gia Bao?
Liu Gia Bao was born in 1998, currently a senior student, Faculty of International Trade, Keimyung University, City. Daegu, Korea. He is known as a content creator, with more than 70,000 followers on the TikTok platform. The photos that Bao posts online always receive thousands of likes.
Remembering the time in high school, Gia Bao has an unattractive appearance, not beautiful skin, and does not know how to dress appropriately. Bao frankly shared that because of his appearance, "confessing to his crush always got rejected". Not because of that, Bao researched how to take care of her skin and learned skincare tips on reputable websites. To save and spend wisely, he often buys genuine cosmetics on sale occasions in Korea.
From a skinny, dark-skinned guy, Gia Bao has Completely transformed, become handsome, know how to coordinate clothes to improve appearance. “I feel happy because I have improved myself to become better. Between the past and present, it is important to know how to love yourself more, that is true happiness. Every day, I spend 2 hours at the gym to maintain good health, good shape as well as relieve stress after school", Bao expressed.
Gia Bao shared shared: "Suddenly receiving everyone's attention also made my life change a bit. I have many more friends from everywhere, and everyone encourages and cares a lot. Furthermore, there are also new opportunities for me to learn and grow."
After graduating from high school, Gia Bao had his own direction, he chose to study abroad in Korea. Besides studying, male students work part-time jobs at convenience stores, waiters at restaurants near school... to have more living expenses. The practical experience helps Bao improve his Korean communication skills.
After graduation, Gia Bao plans to return Vietnam, continue to try your hand at creating content. “I think, the job of 'content creator' will be a 'new land' to develop my career and improve my skills in the media industry. In addition, I also try to find opportunities to experience many new things such as technology, education... and meet and learn from many good people", Bao confided.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Hotface Luu Gia Bao? What Luu Gia Bao's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Luu Gia Bao profile

When was Hotface Luu Gia Bao born?
Luu Gia Bao birthday 4-11-1998 (at the age of 26).
Where is Hotface Luu Gia Bao's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Luu Gia Bao was born in Phu Tho, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Daegu, of South Korean. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Luu Gia Bao's global rank is 77410 and whose rank is 331 in list of famous Hotface. Population of Vietnam in 1998 is about 75,46 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of hotface Luu Gia Bao
Portrait of hotface Luu Gia Bao
Gia Bao has a handsome face and unique fashion sense
Gia Bao has a handsome face and unique fashion sense
Each photo posted by Gia Bao attracts thousands of interactions
Each photo posted by Gia Bao attracts thousands of interactions
Gia Bao plans to return after graduation. Vietnam continues to create content
Gia Bao plans to return after graduation. Vietnam continues to create content

Luu Gia Bao ranking


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Events in 1998 and 4-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Luu Gia Bao

  • Serbs battle ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (March 5 et seq.). Serbs renew attack on Kosovo rebels (June 1). NATO, on verge of air strikes, reaches settlement with Milosevic on Kosovo (Oct. 12).
  • Good Friday Accord is reached in Northern Ireland (April 10). Irish Parliament backs peace agreement (April 22). Background: N. Ireland Peace Negotiations
  • Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3).
  • India conducts three atomic tests despite worldwide disapproval (May 11, 13). Pakistan stages five nuclear tests in response (May 29, 30).
  • Indonesian dictator Suharto steps down after 32 years in power (May 21).
  • Iraq ends cooperation with UN arms inspectors (Aug. 5). Clinton orders air strikes (Dec. 16–19).
  • US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed (Aug. 7). US cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan (Aug. 20).
  • Russia fights to avert financial collapse (Aug. 17).
  • Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet arrested in London (Oct. 16).
  • Wye Mills Agreement between Netanyahu and Arafat moves Middle East peace talks forward (Oct. 23). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations

Birthday Luu Gia Bao (4-11) in history

  • Day 4-11 year 1842: Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd in Springfield, , Illinois
  • Day 4-11 year 1880: James and John Ritty of Dayton, Ohio, patented the first cash register.
  • Day 4-11 year 1922: Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt.
  • Day 4-11 year 1924: Nellie T. Ross of Wyoming was elected the nation's first woman governor, to serve out the term of her husband who died in office.
  • Day 4-11 year 1956: Russian troops attacked Budapest and crushed the Hungarian revolt under Premier Imre Nagy.
  • Day 4-11 year 1979: The American embassy in Tehran, Iran, was seized by militants and 90 Americans were taken hostage.
  • Day 4-11 year 1995: Israeli Prime Minister, and Nobel Laureate, Yitzhak Rabin, was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli.
  • Day 4-11 year 2008: Democratic senator Barack Obama wins the presidential election against Sen. John McCain, taking 338 electoral votes to McCain's 161. Obama makes history as the first African American U.S. president.
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Note about Hotface Luu Gia Bao

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